Sony Xperia X Performance

Sony Xperia X Performance

User opinions and reviews

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  • 28 Jul 2016

Anonymous, 25 Jul 2016All people buy iCrap or Lagsung. Why? Why you buy only that... moreActually I buy it because of hardware, of good offers and etc.
I have bought s6 instead of Shperia5 because better battery, better camera, same performance, better looking edges :) PRICE . I don't choose depending of the brand name, I choose best buy at that moment.
PS. in our country Sony never provided good deals, sales or anything. I bought Samsung edge+ 20 percent cheaper than shperia at that moment.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 6XU
    • 27 Jul 2016

    Anonymous, 26 Jul 2016Looks like you're fascinated by Sony dude ;-)Or he/she is Samsung fan and just trolling.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • YW1
      • 26 Jul 2016

      Anonymous, 26 Jul 2016BS. The video is just a dirty sony's trick to gain more pop... moreLooks like you're fascinated by Sony dude ;-)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 6XU
        • 26 Jul 2016

        Anonymous, 26 Jul 2016BS. The video is just a dirty sony's trick to gain more pop... moreSony isn't poor.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 9xx
          • 26 Jul 2016

          [deleted post]BS. The video is just a dirty sony's trick to gain more popularity.
          Sony already lose power to fight korean and chinese products. Spreading a dirty video is the only way to gain more popularity. Lol. poor sony.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 6XU
            • 26 Jul 2016

            RockStar2005, 26 Jul 2016 Right on Anonymous! Lagsung. lolYes:) Sony is super. You pay for quality not for popularity.

              Avan Dr, 26 Jul 2016You know what the reason behind no fingerprint in US? plann... moreYeah I'd read before it was really b/c they didn't want to pay the extra money for the patent. All it does is leave a bad taste in people's mouths. You can't claim to be the best but then withhold something as important (and popular) as a fingerprint sensor from your customers. If Sony Mobile (and Sony's CEO) had more balls 3-4 years ago, by now, they'd be in a MUCH different situation with regards to how well the Xperia line sells. They wouldn't need to think about cost-cutting BS. You see Samsung or even HTC cost-cutting on US releases?? Nope. They have better sense than that.

              Exactly man. They lost their nerve, and now we're ALL suffering because of it. Of course, I'll just keep buying int'l Xperia models I guess, so as long as they're available AND work with the major US carriers, it'll be fine. But maybe Sony Mobile should strive for something MORE?!

                Anonymous, 25 Jul 2016All people buy iCrap or Lagsung. Why? Why you buy only that... more
                Right on Anonymous!

                Lagsung. lol

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • IbE
                  • 26 Jul 2016

                  Avan Dr, 26 Jul 2016You know what the reason behind no fingerprint in US? plann... moreGet a clues mate, your reasoning is nonsense. Please stops fibbing and making ups stories.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IbE
                    • 26 Jul 2016

                    Anonymous, 25 Jul 2016All people buy iCrap or Lagsung. Why? Why you buy only that... moreTotally agreed, two thumbs up for Sony.

                      RockStar2005, 25 Jul 2016Interesting article. Well just b/c they started seeing ... moreYou know what the reason behind no fingerprint in US? planning exit US, china and india market, Opting cheap plastic design, also bad after sales. Its all bcz of cost cutting policy.

                      No fingerprint for us is bcz of patent related issue, they don't want to pay, avoid to pay and avoid wasting money in the court, they play safe.

                      Exiting big market means they give up, small sales and huge operating cost. In this situation good company will think about 'what people want', how to rise the sales again, not give up.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 6XU
                        • 25 Jul 2016

                        RockStar2005, 25 Jul 2016Interesting article. Well just b/c they started seeing ... moreAll people buy iCrap or Lagsung. Why? Why you buy only that craps? For popularity? For brand? For what? WTF - Sony is awesome. Buy once and you won't regret.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-481725
                          • X1I
                          • 25 Jul 2016

                          Tann Hauser, 25 Jul 2016?!? Xperia X phones get 3 year warranty here in my country... moreIncredible (0_0), but i don't think that many people will need it, maybe in some rare cases.

                            Tann Hauser, 25 Jul 2016?!? Xperia X phones get 3 year warranty here in my country... moreWOW 3?? lol That's awesome.

                              Avan Dr, 25 Jul 2016Cost cutting especially in RD is fatal mistake, its like cu... moreInteresting article.

                              Well just b/c they started seeing their shares "surge" doesn't mean Sony Mobile is off the hook. Instead of firing people, they SHOULD be hiring. Had they put more money in R&D, and also, ADVERTISING.......and releasing the phones ON TIME and THROUGH CARRIERS, they would've sold a TON of phones I'm sure. People are so seduced by Samsung and Apple, but I think overall Sony's Xperia line is better. But they have to make things perfect...........any issues with the phone have to be addressed IMMEDIATELY (i.e. past Stamina Mode issues). Sony Mobile's customer service sux too. If there's a problem or question, they usually don't offer much help. That needs to be changed. There is still MUCH work that needs to be done.

                              Samsung gives a lot of promotions and an overall strong (though overrated IMO) line of flagship phones. Apple doesn't do promotions, but that's b/c they don't have to. They're Apple. I feel like Sony Mobile has MUCH more in common with Apple than Samsung, though more so in other countries. Here in the US, that's def not the case. Sony Mobile needs to make their phones and the experience of using them just AS EASY as it is using an iPhone. Of course, being an Android phone, that is much harder, but I think it can be done. A lot of ppl who have iPhones already say if they had to buy an Android it'd prob be Sony, at least reviewers I've read say that. It's about class. Samsung just recently got classy, but Apple and Sony have always been. My point here is Sony has to make everyone (esp here in the US) realize how great their phones are and that they have A LOT to offer. That only comes from doing everything I said above. They're not being nearly aggressive as they should be.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 9xx
                                • 25 Jul 2016

                                Anonymous, 25 Jul 2016warranty in his countries means nothing. If he brings his ... morealso it will take MONTHS to repair sony phone in his country.
                                With the same problem, Korean phones can be repaired in around a week.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 9xx
                                  • 25 Jul 2016

                                  Tann Hauser, 25 Jul 2016?!? Xperia X phones get 3 year warranty here in my country... morewarranty in his countries means nothing.
                                  If he brings his phone to the "Official" service center in the capital city. The technicians in there will try to void his warranty. Now you know how terrible sony's service in his countries. Actually.. in his country sony outsources their services to other "incapable" company. I dont know why sony do this.. probably to reduce costs??
                                  I know it because i ever worked in his country, and many ex-sony fans friends told me that.

                                    Anonymous, 25 Jul 2016sony have very bad after sales services in your country. Yo... more?!?
                                    Xperia X phones get 3 year warranty here in my country....

                                    That's THREE YEAR WARRANTY on a smartphone.

                                    That's A year more than other product fans actually even use their purchases.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 6XU
                                      • 25 Jul 2016

                                      Anonymous, 25 Jul 2016sony have very bad after sales services in your country. Yo... moreXperia users don't need any service because of high quality. If device won't work correctly it is cause of not careful using.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 9xx
                                        • 25 Jul 2016

                                        AnonD-564254, 25 Jul 2016when indonesia launched it ? sony have very bad after sales services in your country. You better choose other brands.