Sony Xperia XZ Premium

Sony Xperia XZ Premium

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-734591
  • mgg
  • 11 Feb 2018

AnonD-481725, 01 Feb 2018Sony xperia xz premium amazing camera performance. https:/... morewhat did u trying to prove? u see in the first video that the s8 better.

    I moved from the horrible xperia xz to this one. initial impressions? Great build quality, but I don't understand why we need 4k, to my eyes the 1440 looked the same like 2160 on youtube.
    I am yet to find out how long the battery lasts. But initial performance is promising.
    The performance is class leading, I really enjoy it.
    The sound is low and I am not happy.
    The bezels, meh, I don't mind them. The device is elegant!
    Camera is excellent in daytime, horrible at night and feels it's from 2007. with long exposure of 0.5 or up, the image improves a lot, but you'll need a tripod.
    the device deserves a 7/10.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • sxs
      • 09 Feb 2018

      AnonD-434597, 09 Feb 2018Maybe one of daydream requirement is OLED, or maybe Sony ph... moreVery wise words. Yes, Sony is really out in the woods and totally lost. Most other major brands have be used by google to make its phones. Everything is only half made by Sony, hence the public know, and its sales numbers have dropped to outside the top 10

        • D
        • AnonD-481725
        • StN
        • 09 Feb 2018

        Anonymous, 09 Feb 2018Well, enjoy your 0.2 of one second, max recording time from... moreSonys super slow motion feature is enjoyable by default buddy, you say i sound ridiculous? What about your nonsense of 30min recording 1080p 480fps, what kind of on-chip memory that can handle that much data? do you know what kind task is this? Do you want the S9 to encounter the same faith of the fiasco of the Note 7 or even worst? Or you are just using a strange power in your comment "power of stupidity" to kill my brain cells? Because it actually worked congratulations.

          • D
          • AnonD-481725
          • StN
          • 09 Feb 2018

          Tann Hauser, 09 Feb 2018I reply to you as I dont want to reply to that "gimmick"mou... moreNo problem at any time you want, i feel you.

            • D
            • AnonD-434597
            • tEZ
            • 09 Feb 2018

            xXENDER FREAKXx, 09 Feb 2018The 4K display is awesome in my own usage when watching You... moreMaybe one of daydream requirement is OLED, or maybe Sony phone arent quiet popular or not well callibrated, or sony to get the support they need to ask google n work together, as i know its only sony who never works with google. This phone has 4K display so no way it doesnt get google attention, its only sny dont know how to work.

            HTC, sammy, lg, huawei, moto all have made nexuses/pixels they are all have quality they are all know how to work. ZTE has worked with google to make axon7 the first device to support daydream, xiaomi works with google for android one, even local vendors in my country works with google to provide a device with unique service...

              xXENDER FREAKXx, 09 Feb 2018The 4K display is awesome in my own usage when watching You... moreXEnder, of course Xperias have all basic VR support.

              Go to store and search VR suite with your XZ Premium....

              You ll get tons of VR video, app and gaming content available, installable and usable...

                AnonD-481725, 09 Feb 2018The super slow motion from Sony is an amazing feature, mind... moreI reply to you as I dont want to reply to that "gimmick"mouthfull one. Sorry for that.
                We must not hurt obvious troll's feelings or sth apparently here.


                They dont even know the definition of a gimmick.

                As soon as I read gimmicks in comments....
                I know where that discussion can lead....nowhere.

                As soon as their fav brand gets these "gimmicks" at half the speed, they will be gimmicks no more.

                  AnonD-434597, 09 Feb 2018Yup, No VR support, mostly run fhd, no daydream support fro... moreAll 3D VR gaming android content is max 1920x1080 res, including Daydream and GearVR. And by max, I mean very few games at that high res. One of very few games runing at that res is MC 5.
                  So be it 2k or 4k screens, VR games run in FHD max, VR video can run up to 4k depending on the app.
                  Therefore your beloved 2k screen also runs VR game content in fhd, but cant run VR videos in 4k if available.

                  Before you troll avand, again, I beg of you, at least do some research.
                  You come out quite ignorant like this.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • sxr
                    • 09 Feb 2018

                    AnonD-481725, 09 Feb 2018The super slow motion from Sony is an amazing feature, mind... moreWell, enjoy your 0.2 of one second, max recording time from Sony 960fps camera...hahaha...Samsung may be 480fps, but can work for over 30 minutes ! ...and you make me laugh by saying thta XZ premium owners are now you tube you even realize how ridiculous you sound ??

                      Anonymous, 09 Feb 2018Your logic is totally flawed. Sony has no real support for ... moreYou talk about flawed logic, and yet discuss circumstantial tech stuff.
                      How can those relate?
                      Does Sony need VR related stuff and stores so people could enjoy their VR experience on its 4k screen?
                      The answer is simply no.

                      Go buy a Bobo z5 VR headset, it is the best one out there supposedly....
                      Install any VR suite, or VR video capable app from store....
                      Enjoy your VR on a 4k Xperia screen.

                      Mobile VR is related to 3rd party VR google makers and app/game providers, as Mobile VR is dependent on things allpresent in all todays smartphones, it does not require any special tech specific to any manufacturer.

                      Just because some companies make their own googles and VR apps, doesnt at all mean those are any more capable for VR.
                      And Sonys 4k screen is best for googled VR, as it has most pixels per degree than any other mobile

                        AnonD-434597, 09 Feb 2018Yup, No VR support, mostly run fhd, no daydream support fro... moreThe 4K display is awesome in my own usage when watching YouTube videos, but it is pretty strange that they didn't have DayDream VR support, let alone a standard VR support. But I suggest that they roll out Google DayDream VR support to their 2 4K smartphones, XPERIA Z5 PREMIUM and XPERIA XZ PREMIUM, like how SAMSUNG did with the GALAXY S8/S8+

                          • D
                          • AnonD-481725
                          • StN
                          • 09 Feb 2018

                          Anonymous, 09 Feb 2018Your logic is totally flawed. Sony has no real support for ... moreThe super slow motion from Sony is an amazing feature, mind blowing!! Watch these videos.
                          Most xz premium owners became YouTube video makers because of this feature, Samsung tried to copy this feature with the s9 but unfortunately they managed to do only half of the speed, perhaps next year but at least they tried.

                            • C
                            • Chap1
                            • 64h
                            • 09 Feb 2018

                            Anonymous, 08 Feb 2018But the human eye can't see the difference between 1K and 4... moreThats only partly true! Example- if u watch 4k videos(you tube,etc)-then u ll see how powerful this 4k HDR screen is!And Sony implemented 4k (agsin,this is their secind phone with 4k screen) in a smart way- because of the possible CPU damage and fast battery draining_ ofcourse its not 4k all the time,but it switches autoaticly to 4k whenever u watch something in 4k,all the time its full hd actually(except in gallery and video apk- its 4k there)=The third xperia is comeing in 4k,but its 4k OLED now,so then,i ll gess,most of u wiil say_,oh,i want 4k OLED!

                              • D
                              • AnonD-434597
                              • tEZ
                              • 09 Feb 2018

                              Anonymous, 09 Feb 2018Your logic is totally flawed. Sony has no real support for ... moreYup, No VR support, mostly run fhd, no daydream support from google, thats very much wasted tech, why put a tech that doesnt give any advantage, so irrelevant, like toothless tiger that can not roar..

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • sxs
                                • 09 Feb 2018

                                Tann Hauser, 08 Feb 2018Calling superior tech a gimmick is....a logical gimmick in ... moreYour logic is totally flawed. Sony has no real support for VR. No mobile VR headsets, no VR store and no interest in mobile VR. Hence 4K on mobile phones is useless and a gimmick. Same as gimmick 960fps camera that only works for 0.2 of one second. Many people, such as you are fooled by these deceptions. If Sony uses advanced tech, then it needs to work and be usefull.

                                  Anonymous, 08 Feb 2018But the human eye can't see the difference between 1K and 4... moreCalling superior tech a gimmick is....a logical gimmick in itself.
                                  I wouldnt dare call a 32 bit amp a gimmick over the 24bit one, because 32 bit one is just logically superior...
                                  The real merit of its advantages in use on mobile is another story....entirely personal opinion.

                                  IMO, be it 2k or 4k, both are unneccesary on small mobile screens as to FHD, all up to some 7 inch screens, except for googled VR experience quality...
                                  So if its to be unneccesary, and only about google VR, better be more advanced 4k with 807 ppi than 2k.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • sxs
                                    • 08 Feb 2018

                                    Anonymous, 07 Feb 2018well then,be happy! Only sony has models with 4k screens.,t... moreBut the human eye can't see the difference between 1K and 4K on a 5 inch screen. So, actually its a useless gimmickand thats why other brands don't have or want a 4K display on a 5 inch display

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • swm
                                      • 07 Feb 2018

                                      S8 User, 03 Feb 2018I just saw 807ppi density of the screen and that's just ins... morewell then,be happy! Only sony has models with 4k screens.,two of them alerady. And now here comes the third one,and its 4k oled! Xperia xz pro,5.7 inches in 4k oled screen.

                                        Anonymous, 05 Feb 2018is this phone good for vr headset? who have tried? how is it?I suggest you read up this xda thread: