Reuters: Sony will cut 1,000 jobs in its smartphone division

27 January, 2015
Despite making quality smartphones, Sony Mobile has struggled to keep up with the competition.

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  • D
  • AnonD-282298
  • 2SV
  • 28 Jan 2015

Marco M, 28 Jan 2015I wonder when Sony will wake up and understand that their w... moreThe coolness of Apple is Light years ahead of Sony.
Sony was the one of the best brand but they were producing craps in the age of Nokia.They were defeated forever in the past.
There will be one Top Brand forever and that is Apple.

    • D
    • AnonD-200220
    • uQ{
    • 28 Jan 2015

    Two flagships a year is a blunder.and there mid range phones are not really good. They should learn from MS there 535 and 735 are good examples.and they should a bit of advertising.Sony have great phones it's a pain to see them not,doing well and crapple and Sammy ruling.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • r@3
      • 28 Jan 2015

      Sony Ericsson :|

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 0BG
        • 28 Jan 2015

        Marco M, 28 Jan 2015I wonder when Sony will wake up and understand that their w... moreNo they need to improve their phones/policy so that they don't have to rely on fan-boys/marketing.
        Xiaomi doesn't sell because of its marketing, it does because their phones are cheap. Well we already have cheap crappy phones and we have expensive crappy phones. What's missing? Ah, yes, good quality phones for those who aren't waiting for media to tell them what to buy

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • X0%
          • 28 Jan 2015

          Anonymous, 28 Jan 2015lol wtf? 65000? You don't know what you're talking about (O... moreyou are a corporate silly or may be the one who short sony shares

            • D
            • Dd
            • rei
            • 28 Jan 2015

            Always late to present their flagship to the market,always late bring the updates,Always slow at customer service and after sales service is the reason people even the fan are sony are dissapointed an dchange to other brand.For example just purchase z3 tablet compact and they have issue in their touchscreen

              • M
              • Marco M
              • 5i4
              • 28 Jan 2015

              I wonder when Sony will wake up and understand that their way of marketing, excessively spamming their own movies and music videos, is not the way to go. Discreet and limited - non obvious - product placement works so much better. (No one wants a TV or PC/laptop screen with a 100 lumen logo lighting up the room) "Oooh, my new Sony phone is ringing" - Avril, made me embarrassed on Sony's behalf.

              Neither samsung nor apple makes better devices, in fact far from it, but they have a much more efficient marketing and/or hold with IT testers and reviewers.

              Despite all the obvious flaws with iphone year after year, it's pretty much guaranteed a 6/6 or 10/10, perhaps 9/10, just because it's an apple product - reviewed by a trendy journalist who of course uses a macbook - not because the macbook is the best choice, it really isn't, but because everyone around knows it costly. The "everyone else around knows it's costly" is also a deal maker for the iphone for the ones who like to show they have more money than knowledge. Reviewers praising ios, essentially limited version of android with a childrens/old people home screen, and love for closed, lock-in proprietary solutions such as their charger, itunes, airplay etc instead of open standards (DLNA, miracast, full NFC etc), sharing (Bluetooth, still NFC etc) and law-abiding micro USB port. Not to mention lack of real multitasking STILL. The OS alone should be enough to give it a minus, as well as lack of SD slot and fraudulent pricing on higher memory phone versions.

              This over the top enthusiastic reveiwing spurs on fanboys - and marketing surveys have shown that apple buyers are those who most often recommend their one for all device to others, despite it having been the smalles, lowest resolution, all over lock-in and low battery powered device, instead of recommending their friends/family to try tailing a perfect fit for their needs.

              So for Sony's sake I hope they pull their act together and improve their marketing, and I also hope tech reviewers wake up from their apple fog of a dream and realize that they are supposed to review hardware and OS features objectively.

              The last Sony Vaio Ultrabook, Pro 13, from 2013 is still better than the 13" Macbook air in stores today, and it was priced lower. That speaks volumes how the better product does not sell better unless others actually know about it.

                • D
                • AnonD-332926
                • SmG
                • 28 Jan 2015

                Okay okay, I'll buy a Z3 today. Just stop dismissing people !

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Hrp
                  • 28 Jan 2015

                  It is said that LG optimus G has battery lifespan of 800 cycles.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0BG
                    • 28 Jan 2015

                    Anonymous, 28 Jan 2015 300-400 cycles - it don't have Li Po batteries ( eg Xaiomi... morelol wtf? 65000? You don't know what you're talking about (Or you're a corporate shill).

                      • D
                      • AnonD-286474
                      • uts
                      • 28 Jan 2015

                      Sony has terrible after sale service in India

                        • D
                        • AnonD-97167
                        • uC0
                        • 28 Jan 2015

                        So must I sell my Xperia Z2 immediately because Xperia phones prices will go down now ??

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t}G
                          • 28 Jan 2015

                          Anonymous, 28 Jan 2015Batteries doesn't last forever. If you can't replace it, th... more 300-400 cycles - it don't have Li Po batteries ( eg Xaiomi sub $100 ). It have Li ion life of 65000 Cycles . So stop this speech

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 0BG
                            • 28 Jan 2015

                            Anonymous, 28 Jan 2015Just all think about it, Do most of people buy Apple produc... moreApple users surely don't care about these things, but every company wants to sell to aapple-fanboys type of users, that's why they are failing. The opposite of what you think. You think it's advertising? I say it's exactly because image is mostly what these companies rely on, and "geeks" are totally ignored.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 0BG
                              • 28 Jan 2015

                              Anonymous, 28 Jan 2015Sony should understand, in today's the android market is no... moreYep. If they want to sell an expensive phone (Apple is an exception because ot their extremely brainwashed customers who would buy anything, and even more if it's more expensive and crippled), then it should have no compromises. Manufacturers keep crippling all their phones on purpose and only those who want a jewel, not a phone, would buy them. But, they mostly buy from Apple anyway, so manufacturers need to change their target and stop competing for the same crowd.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0BG
                                • 28 Jan 2015

                                Anonymous, 28 Jan 20151. Their battery last longer than any phones. So non-remova... moreBatteries doesn't last forever. If you can't replace it, then the fact that is lasts enough dousn't matter - it will only last enough the first 300-400 cycles (A year, if you're a power user). And for an expensive device it's not acceptable for them to expect you to replace it so soon. Why buying a flagship if you will soon replace it anyway? As was mentioned below, there are no good quality phones anymore, just cheap crap and expesive crap. Makes no sense to go with the expensive crap.

                                And audio is quiet from the headphones. Haven't you read the reviuews here? Actually, sound from speakers is also often quiet.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • m86
                                  • 28 Jan 2015

                                  Just all think about it, Do most of people buy Apple products and Samsung's because of :

                                  -big memory onboard ? (16gb are the most sold for Apple)
                                  -OS updates? (like my gf cares about IOS updates..)
                                  -material type ? (Apple vs Samsung, 2 opposites, think)
                                  -price tag ? (Apple, cheap? sub 200$? yeah on contract)
                                  -Any geeks question related, insert it there.

                                  All that matters is a strong brand name thanks to advertising, then people will find a way to get what they are "used to see everywhere".

                                    • m
                                    • mas39
                                    • MJS
                                    • 28 Jan 2015

                                    Very simple reason why it all happened, producing two flagships a year has taken it's toll, cost the company too much money. The phones are top quality and we should all be expected to pay top prices for these phones, they are best quality, much higher than the iphones. Too many blind sheep continue buying useless iphones and boring, dull Samsung products. Still looking forward to this years and next years devices, long live Sony!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • m86
                                      • 28 Jan 2015

                                      darkraver, 28 Jan 2015Nope, it s the buyers that are of low quality... As I said... moreYou are totally right.
                                      People come over with "all their experience in sales division" whereas the only which matters actually for selling is the marketing campaign.

                                      Apple keeps showing their products on TV ads and in movies/series their whole life cycle.
                                      Samsung a few months + movies/series.
                                      Sony, i see some TV ads for 1 to 2 months after release then nothing anymore like if the product was already canned.

                                      That makes the difference to the mass public.

                                      Not the "non removable battery" or "overpriced stuff" ... which will account for maybe 1 to 2% of sales. Consumers are not nerds for most of them and buy phones mostly on contracts.

                                        • p
                                        • purush
                                        • MHx
                                        • 28 Jan 2015

                                        The main draw back for sony mobile is the battery back up when using internet. please consider this