Motorola DEXT (also CLIQ in US) runs Android with MOTOBLUR UI

11 September, 2009
Motorola finally officially revealed their first device that runs on the latest Android OS dubbed Motorola DEXT internationally, except for the USA where it will be sold as CLIQ. This smartphone is the first high...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3GI
  • 12 Sep 2009

it seem strange that nokia started to add a QWERTY keyboard no the phones and all the other Manufactures copy this?

    • m
    • me
    • LtW
    • 12 Sep 2009

    Great! a smart phone without Windows, sure will be a great and functional! device, is good that Moto think about people with huge fingers like me and put in the devices real keyboard and no just screens

      • j
      • jjsoviet
      • v0q
      • 12 Sep 2009

      David, 12 Sep 2009So i do agree that the N900 is a huge benchmark in the hand... moreSo, it's the Maemo OS that's "revolutionary", huh? Well, I guess we'll have to see what the people say about it. What performs superbly on paper isn't guaranteed to perform as well in the open. Too bad most likely it won't be as moddable as Linux/Android.

        • S
        • Siddu
        • 2@t
        • 12 Sep 2009

        Well It Looks Cool...Looks Similar to Nokia N900!

        But is it only for US release!

          • C
          • Cain
          • 0kZ
          • 12 Sep 2009

          You people are aware that this is the low-end offering from Moto, and that the real deal will be presented next month, aren't you ?

            • D
            • David
            • M8T
            • 12 Sep 2009

            So i do agree that the N900 is a huge benchmark in the handset business, if you know what benchmark people are reffering? If you think that experts and reviewers mean the specsheet N900 by saying "benchmark" then you didn't get it. What they mean when they say benchmark is the Maemo, star of the show.

              • D
              • David
              • M8T
              • 12 Sep 2009

              I guess people don't understand the N900. The specsheet on the N900 is pretty regular for today, nothing special, but what makes N900 stand out is the Maemo. It is power, ease and handheld multitasking in a league of it's own. Having 8-9 Webpages running at the same time minimized on one of the 4-5 slide homescreens, social update, Nokia havnign setting up 5-6 ways of communicating with any contact on your list including easy chat, running apps, videos or music on other homescreens. Everthing just popping up from minimized running to fullscreen in a secobd of tapping. Multitasking at it's abslolutely best and is not rivaled by any other handset to date. I had a go at the N900 at Nokia Showroom in Stockholm, dare i say that the Maemo is even faster then the iPhone, even though it is heavily multitasking at the same time. Nokia is innovating OS now, and it's about time, Symbian was not a big hit with me. This is what makes N900 stand out, it's the Maemo nothing else, i couldn't care less about the 5mp camera etc etc.

                • n
                • nicksti
                • kbh
                • 12 Sep 2009

                jjsoviet - it is a losing battle trying to explain to a narrow-minded individual that X phone should not be compared to an N3Billion.

                Do these people go into the 5800 MusicXpress comments and say it is crap get an N900? Probably not. But which one will sell more? Not the N900.

                The fact remains that the list of phones that will outsell the N900 will consist of phones with "crappier" features than the Moto DEXT.

                Nokia 5800, Samsung Star, LG Cookie, LG Neon, Apple iPhone, and probably many more.

                All we can do is continue to educate the people that are open-minded and appreciate what all phones have to offer. I have owned a variety of phones and I like something about all of them. I love SE battery life, LG's style, Nokia's features, Motorola's modding, Samsung's sliders, Blackberry's email and messenger, etc.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nbu
                  • 12 Sep 2009

                  Anonymous, 11 Sep 2009android 1.5 copied maemo...but is not that good"android 1.5 copied maemo...but is not that good"

                  Well, I certainly wouldn't say Android is a copy, but it's worse than Maemo for sure...

                  Maemo vs Android:

                  - Maemo allows to dual-boot (run other OS simultaneously), while Android doesn't.
                  - Android only allows to save apps in the tiny internal memory, this isn't an issue in Maemo.

                  We have a clear winner!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • vjq
                    • 12 Sep 2009

                    andrew, 11 Sep 2009only good os??you have just proved that you don't know anyt... moreYou should uh...check out what 720p means before making a complete fool of yourself.

                    Sigh, I like the N900 as a device, but stop overhyping it to make it sound like the best gadget ever made. You Nokia fanboys are getting worse than the Apple ones these days.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • kWB
                      • 12 Sep 2009

                      besides the 1g internal memory its definitely way smoother than the xperia x2. I hope the sony rachael will be a hundred times better considering its 1k mhz and running android...

                        • j
                        • jjsoviet
                        • v0q
                        • 12 Sep 2009

                        See how brand names truly affect a person's judgment towards a product. So what if it is made by a well-known and reliable company? Does that mean it does everything right? How about the other brands who do not get attention, are they stripped of their rights to making a good phone?

                        So, the N900 is the new benchmark for all smartphones. Does that mean that for a smartphone to be considered "good", it should be able to compete with the N900 or even surpass it?

                        What the hell people, the value of a phone is not dictated solely on the features! If it is the main criteria, then why not just remove all phones without cameras, touchscreens, GPS, Wi-Fi and other capabilities all together? How does that sound?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Mtr
                          • 12 Sep 2009

                          David, 12 Sep 20091 Gb internal memory?! Using external memory cards slows do... moreIf you feel so bad about "just" 1GB then don't buy it, mate. Also, stay away from anything with "Xperia" on it, and probably some other smartphones too. The market is big enough and you can get whatever you're prepared to pay.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • FJR
                            • 12 Sep 2009

                            Nokia fans should really just shut their mouth bragging about a phone that's not even out yet, lol. All you hear from them is N900 this N900 that. The N900 has not sold a single phone yet. Brag about it when it has sold millions, but for now, keep it low. You guys are annoying dropping comments in any smartphone articles promoting your N900.

                              • D
                              • David
                              • M8T
                              • 12 Sep 2009

                              1 Gb internal memory?! Using external memory cards slows down phone to the point of deep irritation/frustration and stored media in external memory takes ages to access and doesn't run even run half as smooth as internal memory. Motorola made a modern phone with a stoneage letdown. FAIL!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • G2G
                                • 11 Sep 2009

                                Sellt, 11 Sep 2009whats up with that? names wont make you money..its the p... moreWow, shows how ignorant you are! A name can make or break a product! Do some research and study some marketing before posting an uninformed reply, will ya?

                                Yes, and that is Rip as in rip ya to shreds!!!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • keq
                                  • 11 Sep 2009

                                  who's the CEO running this company? How can a company fail so much after the successful reign of the razr?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Sjw
                                    • 11 Sep 2009

                                    android 1.5 copied maemo...but is not that good

                                      • B
                                      • Bruno
                                      • Ia6
                                      • 11 Sep 2009

                                      Rudeboi, 11 Sep 2009Good going Motorola!!! Good to see them come back in compet... moreGood call Rudeboi! I am also glad Moto is making a decent device. I'd take it over iFail any day! It is officially on my short buying list for Christmas. I just wish that Android apps would pick up steam. Even S60 has more apps available now then Android...

                                        • r
                                        • riz
                                        • ibf
                                        • 11 Sep 2009

                                        wow i wish i could talk like him, very smooth presentation.