Nearly a billion Android devices affected by newly-discovered 'QuadRooter'
- ?
- Anonymous
- YeD
- 08 Aug 2016
AnonD-5197, 08 Aug 2016Doesn't change the fact that iOS has the largest number of ... morehaha, funny stuff.
- ?
- Anonymous
- YeD
- 08 Aug 2016
"sincerely apple user"
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Aug 2016
Used Android since 2010, never had malware. I have gone on to a Chinese app website.
Donot change your security settings.
- M
- Michael
- mEA
- 08 Aug 2016
Who cares about that? Google itself is the biggest malware and spyware in the world
- ?
- Anonymous
- mh{
- 08 Aug 2016
Please checkpoint said the same in July too. They need sales
- ?
- Anonymous
- mh{
- 08 Aug 2016
Latest: Google to sue checkpoint for 39 million dollars for posting fake info. Please read the news
- ?
- Anonymous
- mh{
- 08 Aug 2016
so whose gonna hack our phones and check my nude photos ? Lol.
This is checkpoint/zone alarm propoganda dont you guys get it.
- D
- AnonD-5197
- QDj
- 08 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016You obviously dont know the difference between icloud and ios.Doesn't change the fact that iOS has the largest number of vulnerabilities of any mobile OS. The same closed OS developed by people who developed the software that set up the biggest personal files heist in mobile history... The joke is still on you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pu2
- 08 Aug 2016
AnonD-5197, 08 Aug 2016The real joke has to be that, despite all these news about ... moreYou obviously dont know the difference between icloud and ios.
- M
- Michael
- mEA
- 08 Aug 2016
Who cares about that? Google itself is the biggest malware and spyware in the world
- D
- AnonD-416078
- at@
- 08 Aug 2016
Oneplus user , 08 Aug 2016Alright!! Because it's weird because I'm using the AVG Anti... moreI don't think I've ever used an AntiVirus on my Android phones, it doesn't really do much as long as you yourself are careful and don't click every link your friends send you.
- D
- AnonD-442781
- HD8
- 08 Aug 2016
[deleted post]Except he is correct. We've seen malware out in the wild for iOS, but I don't recall any malware on android, just theoretical vulnerabilities that aren't ever exploited maliciously.
- A
- Anonym
- Lcd
- 08 Aug 2016
Muthu, 08 Aug 2016To be fair, it was not a vulnerability at all in iOS. It wa... moreActually, a few days prior to the "Fapenning", a vulnerability was found in one of Apple's services APIs that allowed to bruteforce accounts faster and without locking the account.
Once the emails address was known, weak passwords would have fallen fast through there.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016This is why Android will remain a joke among the security c... moreAnd yet the biggest hack came from iPhones :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Aug 2016
AnonD-237590, 08 Aug 2016Wtf has celebrity nudes have to do with iPhones?? The papar... morePaparazzi lie on the same bed as the celebrities and took 5mins of the celebrities nude videos without them knowing???
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 08 Aug 2016
AnonD-442781, 08 Aug 2016Lol. No they aren't. Celebrities took nude photos and then ... moreRegardless, its still part of customer experience. You can buy a secure phone, but the services isn't.
- ?
- Anonymous
- meu
- 08 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016This is why Android will remain a joke among the security c... moreApplel products are just as secure as a house without a door and an invitation sign with "free candy" in front of it. On top of that you can't even do anything on your own with it, it's a locked up brick. Enjoy your unsecure FisherPriceOS experience, fanboy.
- d
- divis200
- 0xI
- 08 Aug 2016
AnonD-485191, 08 Aug 2016Hey check it out, people down here going crazy over this th... moreYour second statement is wrong. "All the attacker needs is to trick the user into installing a malicious app that wouldn't require any special permissions".
- D
- AnonD-570042
- 8p7
- 08 Aug 2016
Google = Virus
- D
- AnonD-5197
- QDj
- 08 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016This is why Android will remain a joke among the security c... moreThe real joke has to be that, despite all these news about Android vulnerability discoveries, the other platforms have more number of vulnerabilities by quite the margin and there was no occurrence of attacks in the scale of "The Fappening" on iOS.