New video demo of Symbian^3 updated text input and browser

26 February, 2011
We found a new video showing the much awaited, yet-to-be released Symbian ^3 update that will bring split-screen text input and some major browser improvements to phones such as the Nokia N8...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1188
  • pVP
  • 28 Feb 2011

AnonD-743, 28 Feb 2011While there alot of haters here saying things like "Sy... more;) Agree,

I use Nokia and Macbook :D That fits my needs, but I just read the comments to laugh at people whom are fighting like if it's there company!

    • D
    • AnonD-743
    • L4D
    • 28 Feb 2011

    While there alot of haters here saying things like "Symbian is dead", "Nokia sucks" and things like that, if Nokia read theses comments, they would probably only laugh at your faces.
    European, or more precisely, Finns (Nokia is from Finland, for ignorant people who don't know), don't really care for thinks like that. You may see people walking on the streets with iPhones, Androids and Nokias, they don't try to show off how their phones are better than yours, they use their phones for what they meant to do, they don't use or talk about phones like they were jewelry. If you see a Nokia commercial, you will see that sometimes they can even show something related to other brands, the Nokia Reader application for example, where you can see articles related to Android and iPad on the application demonstration. They have a completelly different mind than you american people, Nokia is more than a hundred years old company that works more than twenty years on the mobile market, they only try to do the best it can for the market, and it did so much that you guys have no idea, if it weren't by Nokia, you wouldn't even hear about Android.
    If you think the best Nokia can do today is not good for you, you may walk around with your Android phone and no one will care. Phones are phones, they just have to be good and useful for you. That's how the Finns think about it, and maybe that's the very reason why americans hate Nokia so much. Just think like the them, stop losing time arguing, enjoy your phone, no matter what OS or manufacter it has. You can't have all on a single phone, but you can have all you most care on it.

      • x
      • x-blade
      • TC{
      • 28 Feb 2011

      [deleted post]Well man, you got to admit, some people were in too deep a disease called fashion, not that I'm not into it but I just don't follow blindly even if it is the "in", the "must have", the "cannot live without" thing.

      American were so proud of their cultural creation as a result of their convincing and successful marketing strategies. Cars like Cadillac/Pontiac/Hummer/Mustang...were their pride.

      But to me, they were nothing special, and in terms of technical advancement, they are still way back compared to Lotus/BMW/Audi/ terms of design/practical for daily usage, they just not fuel economical compared to Toyota/Mazda/Honda.

      So when it comes to iPhone, lots of people think is 'hip' to have one because is from Apple. They don't mind features like "cut/copy/paste" not available on the previous model but can be found in Symbian. So much crap from the company that invented the terms. The antenna issue still lingered on the current model and that you need "special" care to handle it.

      People bought the ideas and products like that, did not bother to understand what they were paying for, and the causes play some part that got some people in US into the "sub-prime" trouble.

      As for me, I preferred a bowl of soup noodles, cup of tea anytime over Big MAC/Wendy's/KFC/Cola/Soda Pop....because is cheap (yes is just 80cent USD), no trans fat, less calories, healthier and practical.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 9GN
        • 28 Feb 2011

        AnonD-2628, 27 Feb 2011did not nokia drop symbian plataform for windows phone 7?nope they didnt. u can go read their announcement.
        symbian will still remain, until they hit their target selling number.
        wp7 for nokia phones will not come out so fast until sometime later this year after they have placed great improvements in wp7 os

          • D
          • AnonD-743
          • L4D
          • 28 Feb 2011

          Sorry. That's the right link for the Android video:

            • D
            • AnonD-743
            • L4D
            • 28 Feb 2011

            Anonymous, 28 Feb 20111st of all, I don't live in US, indeed, at least 7000 miles... moreBecause the new CEO is american and related with Microsoft, that explains everything.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Er2
              • 28 Feb 2011

              [deleted post]1st of all, I don't live in US, indeed, at least 7000 miles away.

              secondly, if your almighty brand's Symbian is so good, why the almighty brand decided to ditch it and go for "American" Windows Phone?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • L4D
                • 28 Feb 2011

                Want to know why Android is a bad?
                That's Android running on a 800Mhz phone with 480x320 resolution:
                Now that's s60v5 running on 3 years old phone, with a 437Mhz CPU and no GPU to help it and 640x360 resolution:

                Your Android OS is so bad optimized and lagged, unless you got a extremely powerfull CPU to make that thing works properly.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Er2
                  • 28 Feb 2011

                  AnonD-1124, 27 Feb 2011Okay, let me itemise my points. 1 - I never said nokia o... more1 - Guess you probably live in Finland, as where I live...not US, if you go into the subway, at least 6~7 out of 10 people are using iphones. Indeed, recently whenever I go to a phone shop, 8~9 out of 10 people DO NOT choose the almighty brand. The ones who chose are likely budget users who spent no more than US$200.

                  if you go to China and ask almost anyone, would they want a US$640 iphone 4, or a US$690 E7 from the almighty brand, likely over 95% (if not 99%) of the people would prefer iphone over E7.

                  4 - that sounds like a company still makes the best cassette player in 2010...still the best, except nobody is using such antique technology anymore.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Er2
                    • 28 Feb 2011

                    Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011i guess nokia is still the company that's most talk about! ... moreExcept at least half of the fanboys are ready to switch to Android or other OS after the announcement of the almighty brand's commitment to Windows Phone.

                    Which explains why this article attracted so many fanboys to come back...because is about outdated phone OS to die in a few years.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-743
                      • L4D
                      • 28 Feb 2011

                      Anonymous, 28 Feb 2011Not to mention the fact the almighty brand REFUSED to offer... moreEver heard of Nokia 5800? It was the first Nokia touch screen phone and it had 3G, GPS and everything that you can find on a smartphone, it was released the same year as iPhone 3G, you obviously don't have any acknowloged to discuss.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Er2
                        • 28 Feb 2011

                        Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011Those countries you speak of are poor and uneducated. Nokia... moreNot to mention the fact the almighty brand REFUSED to offer any 3G touchscreen phone until AFTER iphone released iphone 3G on a worldwide basis.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Er2
                          • 28 Feb 2011

                          Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011Sorry my friend you are badly misinformed :) Nokia is we... moreThe almighty brand started to use touchscreen in 2004? Big deal when Motorola started to offer touchscreen phone, with Chinese character recognition, back in 2000.

                          And remember the fact, despite the 3G technology has been around since 2003/04, and even Motorola offered "several" 3G touchscreen Symbian based handsets, the almighty brand REFUSED to offer any 3G touchscreen handset until AFTER Apple released iphone 3G on a worldwide basis.

                            • a
                            • annon
                            • 2CR
                            • 28 Feb 2011

                            it's amazing how stupid android fanboys really are.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Er2
                              • 28 Feb 2011

                              ralphie02, 27 Feb 2011dude.....i dont know what your basing this on, but how is U... moreHK probably provides better 3G coverage than UK, and all underground stations have platform screen doors for safety reasons. The Octopus card can do much more than the Oyster card.

                              US? The CDMA technology is actually more advance than GSM, requiring less cell sites to cover a much larger area. US builds airplanes being used by the British. So...

                              Safety standards for US consumer products are much more advanced than those in UK.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • IaH
                                • 28 Feb 2011

                                Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011Symbian has a time-limited future as Nokia transitions to W... moreNokia are still planning on using Symbian for lower range phones, just not smart phones....

                                  • T
                                  • TSH
                                  • PFe
                                  • 27 Feb 2011

                                  OK so just saw the video (was on the bus before, on my phone ^__^) and it looks like just an update to the onscreen keyboard. Meh. Gimme a hardware T9 keyboard with decent predictive text any day of the week. I use SMS a LOT - so much so that I'm seriously considering going back to S40 for the "purity" and getting a small Android tablet for my mobile entertainment/web/whatever needs.

                                    • r
                                    • ralphie02
                                    • 4At
                                    • 27 Feb 2011

                                    Anonymous, 27 Feb 2011so??? britain had usa in the past and hong kong too. now bo... moredude.....i dont know what your basing this on, but how is US and hongkong more "developed" than UK?? On what category??
                                    if you ask me, thats a pretty bold claim with no basis.....

                                    in terms of technology, not one of these countries are significantly ahead of the other. if you're talking about buildings and infrastructures, obviously hongkong is ahead....its a freaking tiny island, you can only have sooooo much to develop. US has MOREE undeveloped areas than your statement is completely inaccurate and shouldnt even be read....

                                      • T
                                      • TSH
                                      • vau
                                      • 27 Feb 2011

                                      S60/5th is pretty much dead. I was hoping for a browser upgrade to my n97 mini, but ah well... Nokia really is way overdue with this update though - they have reat hardwre and a good OS that's held back by these important ui issues.

                                      In any case S40 and S^3 are very much alive and will stay that way for at least two years. Which is an eon in tech. By 2013+, who knows what we'll be looking at?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • TqC
                                        • 27 Feb 2011

                                        Questions., 27 Feb 2011So in other words your comment is FAIL. Nokia had better pi... moreso??? britain had usa in the past and hong kong too. now both nations are more developed than uk