Samsung Galaxy S8 corners are very fragile, drop tests reveal

04 May 2017
German testers revealed the device is easier to break than other flagships.

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  • D
  • AnonD-666941
  • tEr
  • 04 May 2017

Meanwhile, the world is being shown the fact that iPhones can survive 5-6 ft drop by top youtubers.

And I'm sure the rumors that iphones get cracked screen after 12 inches drop is a total BS and is dying.

    AnonD-666047, 04 May 2017Of course it's fragile. All phones are. It's like doing thi... moreBut this one is more fragile than the competition, if you couldn't tell by the point of this article

      So, what the point of this news? That is the same news saying S6 edge was fragile when released in 2015. A few years from now, "Galaxy S12 corners are fragile, drop test revealed".

        • S
        • Savor
        • IbE
        • 04 May 2017

        AnonD-666047, 04 May 2017Of course it's fragile. All phones are. It's like doing thi... moreSay this to a Nokia 3310 owner 17 years ago.

          • M
          • MobileMan
          • sSJ
          • 04 May 2017

          GUY & GIRLS :) , We are going a bit overboard , Gorilla Glass has not progressed much from glass 3 , Gorilla 4 is a minor improvement on 3 , with Glass 5 i heard they have tried to experiment , & have heard its more fragile than 4 ( as someone commented ). What the test says is LG G6 for eg. will have no crack only minor scratches on 100 hits ( All hits go to metal frame so no glass damage ), but S8 got pretty bad in just 50 times. Mind you , its a rotating drum like thing which will hit corners more , a fall from your car or hand to ground is more bad , if it falls face down s8 might survive , but if it hits the corners then you might see something like this. best solution , use a rugged case , don't bother about beauty.

          for another reviewer who said i like apple - yes i just like Apple products Iphone , iPad or IPod they are simply the best. Samsung starts struggling after a year but not a case with iphone 6 or 7 , but i know there software limitations.

            • S
            • Savor
            • IbE
            • 04 May 2017

            Dominic, 04 May 2017The Ugly one..YeahNot as ugly as the S8 after a 3 ft drop and even weirder aspect ratio. LOL @ glass rears. My LG G5 and V20 are laughing at them and the poseurs who think they are actually beautiful and feels "premium."

            I own HTC One M7, Samsung S7 edge, and several iPhones before. I don't care about ugly this or that. I need a phone that works and is practical. A phone isn't a woman to me. Best phones BY FAR I ever owned is the LG G5, Google Pixel, and this LG V20 I am typing on right now. The rest are catered to insecure fashionista poseurs who needs a pretty design to boost their self-esteem and are clueless with practicality and foresight.

              • D
              • AnonD-119751
              • nCf
              • 04 May 2017

              Romie Lee, 04 May 2017on this test, the 49 drops was fine just like the other fla... moreForget about the test and all, this is what exactly they told about Note 7, GG5 and it can hold 12m high fall and my screen broken when my mobile fall from my pocket . Follow the link for the image and it was the replaced unit got broken


                • D
                • AnonD-119751
                • nCf
                • 04 May 2017

                This is exactly how my note 7 screen broken near bottom right edge corner from mere fall from my pocket .

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mJw
                  • 04 May 2017

                  Very childish design. Also fragile. No need to buy that crap.

                    Oh no..i have pre ordered s8plus...should I reconsider??

                      • .
                      • .alpha
                      • ytx
                      • 04 May 2017

                      That's why Samsung charges $250 to replace the screen. Flat screen like G6 and iPhone are far tougher and cheaper to replace.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-666047
                        • SHP
                        • 04 May 2017

                        Of course it's fragile. All phones are. It's like doing this test on a snow globe and people be like awwwwwwwwww when it breaks. Of course it'll break! Any phone with glass!

                          • D
                          • Dominic
                          • 46c
                          • 04 May 2017

                          AnonD-39937, 04 May 2017did you heard of LG G6?The Ugly one..Yeah

                            ResolvePi, 04 May 2017No joke, I have owned over 100 phones since the 1980s, and ... moreMy god, why can't more people have as much common sense as you? You're going places, my good man.

                              Glass on mobile phone is as practical as cardboard made car.

                                No joke, I have owned over 100 phones since the 1980s, and can name when I dropped them:

                                1. A few years ago, I was getting out of my car, and my iPhone 1 (2G) that I was using as a second phone/music player was connected to my right ear via the headset. (I normally use Bluetooth, and forgot I was using a 3.5mm cable.) The cable got caught in the seatbelt so when I started to get out of the car and released the belt, it pulled the phone from the windshield mount and it fell out onto the road, slightly scratching the corners. I was upset because I had owned the phone about 6 years and looked after it. My bad!

                                2. As I set off on a run, my S7 flew out of my pocket after I bought some new running pants and forgot they didn't have a zip up pocket. Rear shattered. Phone worked fine. £50 for a near glass rear and it was as good as new.

                                And that is it!

                                I have never actually dropped a phone from my hands. And there is little excuse to either. You don't drop your baby, cat, puppy, expensive pen or other small but valuable item, so why a phone?

                                Be careful! Simples!

                                And this test is a joke. What do you expect to happen to a lovely glass covered device like the S8? Bounce? Get real people! If you are going to be in a position or career that will lead to your phone getting abuse, get an Active or an Otterbox or other tough case! Or take a candy bar phone to work.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-655096
                                  • Q5i
                                  • 04 May 2017

                                  No person in the right mind would drop their phone for 49 times in the whole time that they'll be using it, unless you are mentally challenged and also a very careless person. I have a S6 edge, I put it in a slim case and I have never dropped this phone for almost 2yrs now. LOL

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • X}Q
                                    • 04 May 2017

                                    I'm never one who uses cases for my phones(in fact I hate it), but recently I got the S8+ , decided to invest on a decent all corner protection case to go with it. Considering how slippery and most importantly, seeing how fragile it is on various drop test videos and how expensive it costs to replace the glass.

                                      Doh. We all knew that from the start. But people want bigger screens, so let them just blow.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 7tR
                                        • 04 May 2017

                                        Romie Lee, 04 May 2017on this test, the 49 drops was fine just like the other fla... morecheck this video, S8 cracked after 3rd drop.