UBS study shows 89% of iPhone owners plan to buy Apple again

23 September, 2011
HTC is a distant second, keeping 39% of users looking to upgrade, RIM retention rates fall in half.

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  • D
  • AnonD-20221
  • mcj
  • 24 Sep 2011

John P., 24 Sep 2011As an Evo 4g (traded my iPhone for fast data) and Mac user ... moreWell, who said anything about staying on a less developed field??? You may not feel that way but believe me, most of them do get upset when a much more powerful phone emerges... Also I have said that Droids come with dual cores and all that but where are the apps and games to take its advantages??? Kinda like driving FERRARI in a huge traffic, dont ya think???

    • S
    • Sun Down
    • PF5
    • 24 Sep 2011

    I'm assuming this is a US-centric analysis (*sigh*... Again).

      • D
      • AnonD-9023
      • ut3
      • 24 Sep 2011

      reality, 24 Sep 2011These are my 1st comment and reason is that more than 90% u... moreFirst of all windows 7 performs lot better because windows doesn't support multiple-core processor and it's limited to 16-bit with 30 MB RAM limit.

      U know nothing about software.
      iPhone 4 LCD is 24-bit LCD and previous models have 16-bit LCD.
      iOS 4.0 supports 24-bit color.

      That's why they call it retina display. Most of them think pixel density is more but textures look very well and text looks crisp.

      SuperAmoled+ on other hand , gives excellent color gamut. It has very good nits and software supports the display.

      So it point about software is bs.
      Android is highly tweaked and modified so complexity increases. That's why nexus phone kicks other android phones into water every year because same like iPhone google also put android into nexus with minimum modifications to original version.

      A5 chip blows galaxy s2 and outperforms in terms of graphics like 2 times better.
      Even though they use same kind of ARMs. Their architecture is different.

      But in Internet performance galaxy s2's exynos does little bit faster like one or 2 seconds comparing A5.
      iOS 5 beta safari got 31 fps for HTML 5 tests while android phones currently have like 11 fps.

      So just putting software isn't enough.
      U must optimize software according to the hardware but not vice-versa.

      Old Softwares run slower because they are not optimized for newest hardware

        • D
        • AnonD-1906
        • 01k
        • 24 Sep 2011

        if you have a 1ghz android phone with 514 mb ram. Android will run great on it.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • waV
          • 24 Sep 2011

          All these studies/Surveys are done at U.S. where Apple dominates. Come out and do the survey in Asia & Europe.

            • t
            • the unknown
            • fwV
            • 24 Sep 2011

            I have got an iphone 3g and its great even though its old, i'm looking forward to buy iphone 4. when i first got my iphone i had to fix it but after that it became the best phone i've ever used.what's good about apple is the apps its got a lot. if the other brands focus on apps the would be better. and another thing is the touch screen iphone's touch screen responds fast its fun to slide and tap the screen, but iphones need a careful person.

              • D
              • AnonD-23362
              • uRA
              • 24 Sep 2011

              Blankman, 23 Sep 2011You're clearly looking at specs rather than user experience... morenot agreed man :-p
              its always about specs....go to gsmarena homepage at the right bottom corner see the "by daily interest phone rating" and "by rate"
              why is it so......why is it Galaxy s 2 why people opnen the gsmarena n write galaxy s 2 in search n read all the specs like again n again n again......because its android or because its samsung or because its not apple or it is apple No!!definitely Not...its just specs....n one thing apple would even give U 64 GB memory but androids would give U 64 GB memory with Memory card supported!!!!fight fight fight :P :P :P

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3Yb
                • 24 Sep 2011

                You guys spend all day and night insulting iPhone fans for being loyal to iPhone, yet when a survey actually shows exactly the same thing you insult iPhone users for, you then insult the survey? Riiiight.

                  • D
                  • DesertFox
                  • pr4
                  • 24 Sep 2011

                  I had nokias before... Since the first one ever to have integrated antenna and I loved the hardware but especially the software part. So user friendly, everything is few clicks away. I tried every other brands and there were some that really had a nice hardware like Razor for ex but... I just HATED the complicated software and it's glitches... Anyway, I kept using Nokias and loved it still. Had a N96 last after N95... Then my wife bought me in 2009 iPhone 3G... I had misstrust abt Apple but after a week or so of using it I heard my self say to people: THIS IS WHAT A PHONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE!!! I loved hardware, I just ADORE the software and the support and backup... Then in 2010 got wet and broken beyond repare. So I got me a Nokia X6 16Gb... I felt nostalgic I guess. I hated its glitches and freezes... Then I got Samsung and it made me nervous as well... I changed other models and brands also for a year and then I realised... I was looking for things iPhone had and I guess it spoiled me... So a year later (this 2011 year) I got me a iPhone 4... And as if I rediscovered mobile phone all over again! I had an epifany lol Phone is just great. It does what I want and need. And then some more. And I got surprised when my pc sync was done... I had my old phonebook back. Messages. Apps. Songs. Photos. Everything. As if my old iPhone got beamed into new one ( I have forgot all about backup lol) I am still looking for other phones.... Like Galaxy S2... Its a beast! But still... Been there, done that lol Me and my friend discussed abt iPhone and other models and about getting that S2... Cons & pros... Then we got silent, thinking abt all we said... Then I said: If it aint broken, don't fix it! My friend laughed and agreed. We will get iPhone5 eventually. And I know that I wont experiment with other brands for the time being... Why? Because it simply works without a glitch. Because it has great support. Because this phone is just THE WAY THE PHONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE! And do. Thank You Apple.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-18045
                    • v$D
                    • 24 Sep 2011

                    @ has single one o.s ,so is not world wide & apple is only for some selected U.S this survey is not for all world wide broad mkt.motorola & HTC taiwanies have also a nice hardwere qwality & and also varity of different operating custmer have more choice more benifit, apple has only a good name but other fruits also nice

                      • D
                      • AnonD-22393
                      • utH
                      • 24 Sep 2011

                      The usual pre release apple propaganda begins.fake surveys with limited apple fanboys will yield such results only.Actually apple is mighty scared of android,that's why came with such propagnda.

                        • V
                        • Vijay
                        • s81
                        • 24 Sep 2011

                        I think the survey was taken among the rich people who can afford any phone. These results are biased as far as the sample of people are concerned. The rich people can change their phone whenever they want. So, their opinion may be, to change their phone next time so as to get a hands on experince with phones of another company. I dont think that a Nokia user will wholeheartedly want to change their phone brand, unless they have a not so good phone from Nokia.

                          • c
                          • civet
                          • vuG
                          • 24 Sep 2011

                          AnonD-1825, 24 Sep 2011"or what the processor is, you would see a confused lo... more"You don't have that situation with iPhone so you don't need to care which processor it has, that's why specs aren't that important with iPhone. you only know if you buy iPhone 5 everything is going to run perfectly smooth before iPhone 6 comes, that might or might not chance that. With iPhone 4 it didn't 3gs still running almost every newest games perfectly smooth which was big suprrise for me."

                          Perfectly smooth does not mean fast.
                          A fast menu, is 1 factor. But when basic navigation around the phone takes multiple more steps, becomes intrusive, and involves longer loading times, that smoothness is nothing but eye candy.
                          Smoothness is the appearance of speed, and sells only to those who aren't demanding speed.

                          Buying a top line Android is the same as a top line iPhone, you know it will run everything for a year without an issue. You buy a budget Android for 1/3 the price, and find it doesn't run much, and is slow, well, what did you expect? You payed for a dumbphone and got a crippled smartphone.
                          But comparing those to an iPhone is just deranged, and I have seen it with many customers, who get a $300 android, decide it's too slow, and the only fix is a $800 iphone, somehow believing that is a comparison after purchase?

                          Where Android also takes a large hit is from the manufacturers... who fail to update their software, which is then exagerated by carriers, who also need to fill it with crap programs which they too fail to update. This makes choosing a good (Android) phone very hard because support will be needed, and if not by the manufacturer, you will be looking to other places, like XDA, voiding your warranty.
                          I won't mention names, but the carrier I work for, has been doing internal testing of 2.3 for the Atrix for 2 months now. We still have 2.2. This is terrible, and Android received the blame, the blame should have been initially on Motorola, and now on the carrier, and a big basket of Android blame is silly, take a look at the Nexus, and Nexus S (neither of which we sell).

                          Again though, most iPhones I see come through, are running the same OS version they were bought with. Most have never plugged it into a computer, iTunes, anything. Before we sell an iPhone, we activate it, the customer doesn't want to, know how, or even care.
                          This makes most arguments void from a majority point of view. The minority that care about updates, generally are the minority Jailbreaking and Rooting their phones, with many running beta's and home brewed ROM's.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-18548
                            • fBh
                            • 24 Sep 2011

                            AnonD-1825, 24 Sep 2011"or what the processor is, you would see a confused lo... moreWe saw the issue of signal drop in IPhones 4... and it really came as a surprise to someone like me, who never owned an Iphone, but still had a lot of respect for Apple products.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • YTZ
                              • 24 Sep 2011

                              iphone is the most popular simply because of its DESIGN and PRICE and also with their excellent marketing team .

                              go out and ask people why they want iphone and they will answer you because it is good looking and cool also because of peoples mentality that if a object is bought with a high price they consider it as a social status they boast it with their friends telling that this phone is the best blahh.. blahh .. but they dont even know the capabilities nor specs of it come on ! there are lots of better phones out there. why do u think apple pursue samsung on other countries to prevent their sales? its because theyre afraid. apple made more new products to compete others do you think they will make more of others cant surpass their previous gadgets? , there is no such a perfect phone if your looking for it.

                              in the other hand samsung's OS is not that good as apple but many of its apps is free thats why many people chose android OS for their phones .

                              every phone company has its own strengths and weaknesses why dont we let them compete fairly so they can bring more and lots of got damn beautiful and amazing phones. lets stop fighting and chose the phone we like without boasting it to others .

                                • D
                                • AnonD-18548
                                • fBh
                                • 24 Sep 2011

                                I have been using Nokia phones for a very long time. In fact, I use two phones currently Nokia N8 and Nokia E71 .. and I am more than satisfied with their performance.

                                However, considering the issue of operating system, I have been thinking about switching to Apple or Android ... While, it is more likely that my next phone will be an Android, there are reasons that I dont want to consider Apple as my choice for next phone. Foremost is that Apple has not marketed this phone in Pakistan ... we dont get any plans from phone companies in Pakistan ... which result in making IPhones very expensive for the customers to buy. We see jail broken, software unlocked .. and some factory unlocked phones here.

                                Then there is the issue of SIM size .. IPhone uses small sized SIM ... which should not be an issue .. but the smartphones use a lot of power and in case of battery run down, it is not possible to pop the SIM into any other phone and continue.

                                Then there is the huge issue (at least huge for me) is absence of a PC suite in IPhone... perhaps my foremost reason for having stuck to Nokia is Nokia PC Suite and then Nokia Ovi Suite ... it is possible to integrate and sync everything with the computer.

                                The UBS study perhaps focuses on the American market which has totally different dynamics than Europe or Asia ... and the 89% retention figures might not hold true for rest of the world.

                                Nevertheless, I am looking forward to see if forthcoming Iphone 5 makes me skip any heart beats :)

                                  • t
                                  • taskiller666
                                  • LFy
                                  • 24 Sep 2011

                                  I'm in the 11%...

                                    • O
                                    • Offend
                                    • ib1
                                    • 24 Sep 2011

                                    I don't have iPhone but I own one iPod touch 4. If I want an intelligent phone I will go for android phone because I tired of SYNC and cannot bluetooth to difference devices WTH.....

                                      • n
                                      • nick
                                      • wgD
                                      • 24 Sep 2011

                                      I don't think that is true anymore. I have an android phone while my partner owns an Iphone. I find that the quality of apps is quite the same now. There's always some nice apps that came first on the ios market as there are ones that came first on the android market. The reason I like the android market better tho is that quite often for the same app I have for free my partner would have to pay.

                                        • D
                                        • DNZ
                                        • 2Iq
                                        • 24 Sep 2011

                                        515 respondents only?

                                        What's the margin of error on these? Is the study even independent?

                                        And what's UBS' agenda here? They have one but they're not saying it. Yet.