Counterclockwise: HTC is the foundation upon which modern smartphones are built

05 August 2018
You know HTC built the first Android phone, but did you know it also built the first Xperia phone? As an ODM, HTC didn't get the recognition it deserved.

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Jack Frost, 05 Aug 2018Because back then people were not zombies. They didn’t care... moreI am still from the old gen that cares about features and usefulness. I am a power user, and I'd always choose a phone that has the least compromises.
No headphone jack/no SD card would not be accepted.

    • a
    • axx
    • prc
    • 05 Aug 2018

    I miss my htc desire Z;/

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • sxs
      • 05 Aug 2018

      Foundation of modern smartphones or not, the pioneer of smartphone features or not, it doesn't matter. If you don't learn your lesson and insist you are still a 'premium' brand worthy of a 'premium' price despite continuously losing market share, you'll be a dead brand in no time.

      It is with HTC as it is with Sony. Both companies haven't quite learned their lesson that is why both are practically dead or dying smartphone brands. Once a premium/expensive smartphone brand starts to lose customer appeal and starts losing market share, keeping up the high premium price and same phone choices/selection will only accelerate the eventual death of the brand.

      What both Sony and HTC should do to revive/rejuvenate their market share is to start offering flagship phones that can match the 'value for the money' proposition of China phones like Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo as well as start offering a good selection of cheaper priced midrange and entry level phones with lower specs but with certain unique targeted features (like huge battery capacities or removable batteries, dedicated sd card slots, ir blasters, multiple high megapixel selfie cameras, etc), despite being previously a 'premium specs only' phone brand. Ignore the lower end and the midrange, and ignore the price war at the high end (flagship level) and you'll be a dead or dying brand.

      When a phone brand starts losing its brand appeal and market share, a shift in pricing and features strategy (sell cheaper, value for the money flagships, start producing cheap, low specs midrange and entry level phones with unique selling features as above to counteract the declining market share), is the only way to prop market share back up and regain market share. Keeping the price high and expecting people to continue to buy the flagship phone because it's a 'pioneering' or 'premium' brand with some 'legacy firsts' in smartphone history is not adapting to market threats and realities. It is a sure way to become as extinct as the dinosaurs.

      Even Apple has started producing multiple lower priced iphone options tailored fit to the midrange market with previously never before offered mass market features set (dual sim, huge 6.5" screens and offering cheaper lcd screened iphones) in order to adapt to market threats - this, despite Apple having monopoly of iOS and the appstore and being a 'premium' only 'luxury' smartphone brand. What more of Android phone manufacturers that are under extreme threat and pressure from low priced/value for the money offerings of China branded phones.

      Listen HTC and Sony (and LG and soon, Samsung). Do not adapt and continue to live in the past and continue to live in a fantasy world where your brand is still as 'hot' and as deserving of its 'premium' name and 'premium' pricing as in the past, and you will suffer the fate of the dinosaurs. The millennial and newer generation don't care about your 'legacy' in the smartphone world, your smartphone history as a once reigning premium brand, or even the 'sentimental' value of your brand name. They were not yet born that time (their parents though may still have fond memories of the brand). What you should do is follow a revival strategy similar to what Nokia is doing by focusing on value pricing as well as focusing on low end and midrange phones with aggressive pricing and targeted feature strategies like what China phone brands are doing, and you'll be back in the map in no time.

        • G
        • GrazD
        • StU
        • 05 Aug 2018

        It's such a shame HTC has become a niche company these days. The HTC One M7 was one of the best phones ever made in looks and functionality. Now we have devices with no headphone port, poor battery life and badly designed capacative volume keys. If HTC can't get the basics right anymore, the future doesn't look good.

          I'm kinda bummed that this article doesn't mention the HTC 10.
          This thing is a bloody tank. I'm rocking mine since April 2017 and I don't regret it.

            Anonymous, 05 Aug 2018I hate how phones have lost everything that made them uniqu... moreBecause back then people were not zombies. They didn’t care about specifications and trends. They cared about features, usefulness, productivity and personality. Back then phone companies didn’t lie. And gladly there was no OPPO/Vivo!

              r33fd, 05 Aug 2018Let me guess: The phone was a Nokia 3310 :))HTC one M7 Actually

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • ajW
                • 05 Aug 2018

                The histoey of overpriced junk :))))
                They believed that their brand can sell like other better known brands.
                If you ask any company to describe it's history they all will brag about their contribution to that industry. Especialy when they can't figure it out the recipe for succes in that business anymore.

                  • r
                  • r33fd
                  • nDB
                  • 05 Aug 2018

                  [deleted post]Let me guess:

                  The phone was a Nokia 3310 :))

                    It was the first time in my life seeing the swipe down notification in a phone. At that I was using an I mate sp5m, and HTC just struck me. L0ved it's simple classy software and it's elegant phone design and premier build. But after all that I went for Xperia X1 xD. It was a great phone but the phone cycle was one year no matter how good you take care of it.
                    Anyway after that I wanted to finally get my first HTC but sadly when I compared the hardware and price of it with galaxy S1, the later was much worth it.
                    No one can deny Htc's contribution to the mobile world (both software and hardware), it will really be sad losing them for many reasons which I don't know from where to start. Hopefully HTC and Sony make a great comeback because the market needs it badly...

                      [deleted post]Woah.
                      Thank Goodness a phone saved you...

                        used many of the reknown htc devices like hd2, desire s, one x and m9. htc has something in it but they couldn't grow like others. still have the legendary device of htc HD2

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • kXE
                          • 05 Aug 2018

                          I hate how phones have lost everything that made them unique and stand out.
                          It used to be a race for features and designes.
                          Now its just a race for slabs and profit.

                            • M
                            • Mahmoud Elshaer
                            • nCe
                            • 05 Aug 2018

                            Pakalini, 05 Aug 2018still remember got my HD2 in 2009, it was absolutely best a... moreoriginally it was windows mobile 6.5

                              Walter C. Dornez, 05 Aug 2018*sips a glass of juice* Go onFirst off I am not even sure if it'll be posted. However, dear team, if you will. Thank you!
                              At 2013 A terrorist tried to kidnap me. He tried to slow me down by shooting at my thigh. I was still a trainee in the work I am still working on today. And had an iPhone 5, and the HTC One. Anyhow. I heard a shot, and I saw It was aimed at me. I tried running, and the bullet literally got stuck in the phone. Leaving me literally with just a scratch.
                              I Ran away, and tried to find a safe spot to call the police. I climbed a tree and tried to assess the situation. Luckily the sim was convertible and not hit. So Using my keys (I always save that tiny sim pin thingy) I extracted the sim and moved on to the iPhone. And called 100 (the 911 of Israel) and explained the situation, rather panically but it's understandable. No?
                              The terrorrist was Eliminated by the police by 10 minutes later.
                              As for the One M7. It fully stopped the bullet but necame unoperable.

                                HTC did some cool stuff, Nexus One is one of my favorite phones.

                                An article about Neonode would be great too, seeing as how they were basically an iPhone before the iPhone, and had swipe gestures before HTC and iPhone, including swipe to unlock!

                                  Kiyasuriin, 05 Aug 2018Same thought! I really enjoyed using the M7 even though it ... more*sips a glass of juice*

                                  Go on

                                    Thesis86, 05 Aug 2018I'm still upset at Nokia for not bringing the 7 Plus and hi... moreI think it might be available on amazon... However I've no idea... Just check out

                                      • A
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 7BD
                                      • 05 Aug 2018

                                      I've always been an HTC guy. Shame the U12+ missed out on battery and screen quality.

                                      They need to 'go back to basics' by making midrangers with SnapDragon 710 while bringing back the dual front-facing speakers with 6GB RAM, MicroSD card, metal material, 3,800 mAH battery, and Headphone Jack.

                                      When they get better, the U12+ design was actually good but they just needed a 4,000 mAH battery with OLED and it would've been perfect.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • akq
                                        • 05 Aug 2018

                                        Hopefully HTC will fellow Nokia steps in coming back to thier old glory. Hell, even HTC deserves a comeback better than Nokia or any brand for that matter.