Renders of Sony Xperia XZ4 cases support rumor of extra tall body

29 November 2018
Sony only recently adopted the 18:9 aspect ratio, but its early 2019 flagship may tower above the competition.

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Shanti Dope, 30 Nov 2018Color science is another thing, but talking specifically ab... moreThe computational photographic is there and well like the but I agree with you there is so much that Sony can improve but their performance is like how the competition are.

And the Ultra High Sensitivity will have but needs updates because Sony didn't release the XZ2 Premium well in it's time so not few people have used it and when it got release, the XZ3 got released the people didn't focus on it and Sony destroyed the XZ2 Premium buy that.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 8Kf
    • 30 Nov 2018

    franz.alex, 30 Nov 2018Volume buttons, fingerprint & power button, camera butt... moreButton on the right side are VOLUME, FINGERPRINT SCANNER, POWER and CAMERA....

    Power and FPS are seperate to avoid patent issues, Sony does not want to pay royalties to Apple

      Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Manual camera mode in Xperia smartphones? Really? Can you s... moreEver since XZ, Sony has provided some good Manual controls, and yes, I still want some more too.
      All Xperias after the XZ can adjust focus, shutter time, ISO, white balance, and saturation all individually.

      "So stupid decision from a manufacturer who makes excellent advanced compact cameras like the RX series and the Alpha series of mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras."

      Because Sony believes that being able to achieve a great picture shouldn't be the user's duty.
      That's why the XZ2 Premium can capture almost as good low light images as the Pixel 3/XL and P/Mate 20 Pro in their respective Night Modes, at a much faster capture time.

        Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Really your comment constitutes justifications of Sony's fa... moreI didn't exactly tried to say that Sony should not put bigger batteries, but I clarified that Sony knows how to expand that small capacity to go on higher levels of endurance.
        GSMArena review tests already show how good Xperia batteries are, and I'm definitely sure that they'd put a super large capacity one someday.
        The thing is, they didn't go below the average in capacity this year, unlike Samsung who still puts 3000mAh battery on their 5.8" flagship device.

          Yann, 30 Nov 2018You write as a SONY worker or fan boy. Sorry, I'm just a c... moreOh, so you're also just a regular smartphone user like me??
          Well, it seems that you haven't been watching the industry for so long.
          You probably didn't know last year, but everyone was literally asking Sony to replace their OmniBalance Design (which is still very good IMO) for the bezel less trend, and so they did it with the XZ2. The jack was also starting to be dropped on flagships, so Sony just followed it.
          Whether it's a good decision or not depends on the people already, but Sony IS listening to their customers, otherwise they wouldn't even bother with such changes like these and they might've had some large bezel phones with 3.5mm jack in 2018 still.

          What exactly is something I don't know about DSLRs that makes me wrong about comparing it to a smartphone camera?
          If you're talking about a 2002 DSLR vs Xperia XZ2 Premium, then obviously the latter would be better in multiple ways, but I'm specifically talking about picture quality that the two devices could capture, where DSLR is decades ahead of smartphone cameras.
          Sony prefers not to tweak many things on the image in order to keep it natural, and I can never be wrong into saying that their color science is the best in the smartphone industry when it comes to accuracy (others aren't far behind though).
          They don't perform the multi-frame image stacking due to their camera features like Predictive Capture and AF Burst.
          See the Top Shot feature of the Pixel 3? Damn, at the resolution of those images, you might as well just not bother with it and disable it completely. Sony's Predictive Capture takes up to 4 full-resolution images, which would be way more usable than like 20 of 2MP images from the Pixel 3.
          Apple's Smart HDR is due to its more powerful A12 Bionic chip, and it wouldn't be that competitive if it wasn't for that.
          Phones are supposed to be for capturing unexpected moments in the best quality possible, and Xperia cameras are the master of it currently.

          I do quite like the Auto Capture feature on Samsung, but that's it. If I didn't mind the quality of the video, I'd pick Samsung's implementation, but Sony just nailed it on video quality. Samsung managed to be more user-friendly in this case, but it's a give or take.
          But why bother? The next generation Snapdragon flagship SoC would be more powerful and could extend the length of video recording time to more usable lengths. Even 10s would be good enough for me.
          Besides, why would you take a slow motion video with little amount of light to work with? Professional slow motion cameras still use a lot of light to capture a slow motion video. The flash can be enabled for a reason, because it's not like we have reached that point of night vision cameras already.

          I know you're not going to an extent of taking your phone in a swim, but as a very expensive smartphone, it's inexcusable not to have the capability to go to that level of brutality, especially since people expect excellent build quality on these products.
          Even as inexpensive non-flagship phones, this shouldn't be a pass, since IP65/68 states that anything with this certification could be submerged 1.5m underwater for 30 minutes, so ALL phones with this certification must survive up to this standard.
          I said that Sony phones have the best water resistance because they rarely fail this test, and even in some of those cases of failure, the phone was already heavily damaged.

          I again want to clarify as to where did Sony set a specific schedule of release of Android Pie release on devices.
          AFAIK, they only specified which devices are going to get them, but the date of releases were just pure rumours from some unreliable sources.
          Idk what's with the case of yours still not receiving it, but I'm definitely sure that you'd get it just before this year ends. Patience is a virtue.

          Why would you suddenly bring Apple into the topic of an Android device and manufacturer? Different platforms, different ecosystem, different strategy.
          Apple has very few devices to take care of, and with the amount of money they can invest into developing their software, I expect them to release their new iOS versions exactly the same across all of their devices, but that's apparently not the case.
          Sony's late update schedule is more of an Android thing rather than Sony's, because they could do the same thing as Apple can if they're not using an OS that they didn't develop themselves.

          They make infographs about the things they are doing, just to remind those people who already forgot about them.
          XZ1 from last year was the first to be with Android Oreo out of the box, which is what Sony claimed before releasing the phone officially, and the same thing happened to the XZ3 this year.
          They don't make many statements, but when they do, they always seek to fulfill it. I guess people aren't happy with that, and that's why I believe that they would still get the worst for working hard and doing their best.

            Volume buttons, fingerprint & power button, camera button. What is that third button between the fingerprint and camera button for?

              As another site says, the length of this phone should be around 166 mm, which is overkill for the most people. It would stay uncombfortably in many pockets thats for sure. It is also the for accidentally drops, when you hold a brick in your hands. Ithink a 155 mm tall phone is enough, reduce the bezels and you get 6 inches, maybe 6.2, which is enough for a phone(for the most people).

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • IW@
                • 30 Nov 2018

                Shanti Dope, 30 Nov 2018The decision to move to bezel less displays and multiple ca... moreReally your comment constitutes justifications of Sony's failures as a smartphone brand. Sony failed to deliver better battery life. Xperia battery life is only acceptable when the phone is on standby most of the time with the screen off and mobile data off. But once you use it for Facebook, Youtube streaming, mobile gaming and photography and videography, it dies superfast compared to Huawei and Samsung flagships with 4000mAh capacity and above batteries. No amount of Sony's battery care optimization will improve its mediocre battery life brought about by Sony's decision to put very low capacity batteries in Xperias. And a low capacity battery is a serious deficiency in a phone with 4K display and purporting to be a camera and video recording powerhouse. And yes, smaller battery capacity means accelerated battery wear and deterioration. Let's hope Sony brings better manual camera controls, bigger 4000mAh batteries, and bring back the headphone jack in the XZ4. Otherwise it's another Sony smartphone that's dead on arrival.

                  • Y
                  • Yann
                  • stv
                  • 30 Nov 2018

                  Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Manual camera mode in Xperia smartphones? Really? Can you s... moreYou're right.
                  I think i can do some of the things in manual mode on my Nokia 808 PureView and my Nokia 1020... Great phones for their time. Still working, but just for fun....

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IW@
                    • 30 Nov 2018

                    A smart Shooter, 30 Nov 2018Read out your IP, I think you are too noisy. Actually Xperi... moreManual camera mode in Xperia smartphones? Really? Can you set a shutter speed of 2-30 seconds in Xperia smartphones? Can you select an ISO setting and shutter speed setting at the same time? Can you do manual focus on Xperias? Can you set a user defined saturation, contrast, sharpness, etc. as default? Please tell me which Sony Xperia smartphone allowed all those, and I'll buy it! So stupid decision from a manufacturer who makes excellent advanced compact cameras like the RX series and the Alpha series of mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras.

                      • Y
                      • Yann
                      • stv
                      • 30 Nov 2018

                      Shanti Dope, 30 Nov 2018Abandoned the jack for they thought it would make them more... moreYou write as a SONY worker or fan boy.
                      Sorry, I'm just a client and user. Nor worker, nor fan.
                      No one ever ask any company, including SONY, to remove the headphone jack. That was made by Apple to make more money from their property port. You point is completely wrong.
                      You obvious don't understand anything from DSLR, to compare smartphone with it. SONY camera software is years behind Google, Apple, Samsung, Huawei. Low light photography of XZ2 is good, but far away from the mentioned above companies.
                      960fps is useless at this time, especially on SONY phones - you can't catch the moment. Even Samsung implement it better. 960fps is usable only in very good light conditions. Inside a room with not enough low light is useless. Not to mention during a night.
                      Best water resistance? WOW. So stupid argument. Me, as most of the users, need IP rating to keep phone from accident. Not to swim with it.
                      Don't defend SONY on this: time schedule. It is not serious to point a date and month and a half after to have nothing. If you can't make proper schedule - don't do it. I live in Europe, not in Middle Africa(no offense pls) and can't excuse such a delay.
                      This is the reason why Apple have so many clients, fans etc. They say that the release is from this date and it starts. I'm not a Apple fan, but I like that, as many other people. SONY is exactly on the opposite side: they make a lot - confirming update even for mid rangers, as you wrote, but NEVER EVER on time! And they made illusive time schedules to claim that they are first. Yea, on paper.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IW@
                        • 30 Nov 2018

                        Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018your comment is as irrelevant today as it is useless here. ... moreSorry you're wrong. My comments are as valid in 2018 as it was in 2016. That's the reason why Sony's mobile division is dying!

                          Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Tldr. Even longer than the article.Isn't "TLDR" just another way of saying "I want to argue but Idk anything so I decided not read it anymore?" (IWTABIASIDNRIA)

                            Handset Fanboy, 30 Nov 2018Don't distract yourself while watching porn!!!!!!!! Okay bro, 21:9 p*rn movies FTW!!

                              Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Omg. This shantidope guy really has spare time to write su... moreGood share

                                • A
                                • Alien
                                • 3RM
                                • 30 Nov 2018

                                Damn! I left Sony for Samsung because of the missing 3.5mm jack. Now that Samsung will ditch it too I think I will be getting a Sony again.
                                Samsung phones are cool but overly bloated with junk software nobody use and the updates are simply NOT available. Except for the security updates, os updates come too damn late..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • BtF
                                  • 30 Nov 2018

                                  Shanti Dope, 30 Nov 2018The decision to move to bezel less displays and multiple ca... moreTldr.
                                  Even longer than the article.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • BtF
                                    • 30 Nov 2018

                                    Shanti Dope, 30 Nov 2018I'll take that as a complement, my dearI hope soon the moderators will put restriction of the maximum words/letters we can type in all comments.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • BtF
                                      • 30 Nov 2018

                                      This shantidope guy really has spare time to write such long comment.
                                      Even true fanb0y like the vV5 guy never do it.

                                        Shanti Dope, 29 Nov 201821:9 means, three apps at once?? How about that? I can wat... moreDon't distract yourself while watching porn!!!!!!!!