Sony Xperia XZ3 camera fails to impress DxO Mark reviewers, barely beats XA2 Ultra

21 March 2019
The camera mostly does okay in good light, but it runs into trouble in low light and high contrast scenes. Corner softness is a constant issue too.

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  • S
  • Shui8
  • KZK
  • 22 Mar 2019

Tann Hauser, 22 Mar 2019Ahah.... no. I m quite sure Sony doesnt pay a cent, or giv... moreU know that DXO video test only at 1080p? P20 Pro are good at that, its just their 4k arent well stabilized.

    [deleted post]Ahah.... no.
    I m quite sure Sony doesnt pay a cent, or give phones to Dxo to review. Else, this review would be out 6 mnths ago.
    And lookie at that, only 3 shots for a review. Wow.
    P20Pro got about 50 shots..
    And lookie at that video score of P20 for ex, 95...
    They gave this 85...
    Now go to every single review, and see exactly how bad the video on P20Pro is compared to XZ3.

    This... pure skunk works.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PQq
      • 22 Mar 2019

      enroll the usual dxo mark comments......

      (insert company name here) paid dxo mark.

        ... and just in time before Xperia 1 preorders are about to start.
        Skunk works.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • xhm
          • 22 Mar 2019

          No surprise really. I've been anticipating this since back. Still curious with the Xperia 1 camera performance to see if they really step up their game.

            • S
            • Shui8
            • KZ8
            • 22 Mar 2019

            Anonymous, 22 Mar 2019I still don't understand why most companies don't go the wa... moreIt is likely Huawei gives the idea & concept of that 1/1.7 inch Pixel Binning sensor IMX600, thats why its only exclusive to Huawei device. They pay Sony to make such module as Sony are the expert one. And Sony are great at making camera sensors, they making more money just by supplying camera sensors than their smartphone itself.

            About Sony phone camera, well Sony itself admit that their camera phones cant catchup with others just because they dont want to hurt their own Alpha DSLR camera. Thats ridiculous. Luckily for the next Xperia 1, they are getting serious about the camera because of their previous strategy, the phone cant sell and most of South East Asia Sony Mobile department has been closed. In Malaysia, last flagship Sony phone are XZ2 Premium.

              • D
              • Daany
              • r3H
              • 22 Mar 2019

              [deleted post]So clearly the higher the pay, the higher the score. Especially those that get scores the same minute the phone is launched(lol).

              You mean sony paid DXO 5 months later? And just to get a bad review? You know you done shred DXO credibility just now right? But you did see many other reviews too right?

                • D
                • Daany
                • r3H
                • 22 Mar 2019

                1stly there is absolutely not point for this review at this point in time. Bcos then it just means Sony don't care about DXO to even ask them to review it. And that is for those who says DXO don't get paid for reviews.

                2ndly the review makes no sense as there are dozens other reviews contrary to this one. Why would anyone take this over those others? Sadly the guys here taking this dxo review as gospel have access to several others including GSMA's. For the sake of sony hate you'll ditch 99 others for this single 1.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • fCQ
                  • 22 Mar 2019

                  Use Google camera app! Problem solved

                    Waiting the new Xperia 1. That should get some great rating, especially for video. Sony has finally moved to a (decidedly new) 12MP sensor for the main camera indicating better low light and also better dynamic range. Plus autofocus and other things should also be vastly improved, since their professional photography and cinema department have collaborated with them.

                      Anonymous, 22 Mar 2019Repeat it all you like, fact remains that DxO Mark have no ... moreSo what more objective ways do you have vs DxOMark controller environment and methods, including some automated ones, other than "it's fantastic" to your eyes? Show me an example of high contrast scene that you take. That one is damn easy to test dynamic range.

                        Sony's image processing algorithms just aren't good. Slap in a GCAM and it'll shoot stunning photos... Oh wait...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 39x
                          • 22 Mar 2019

                          Anonymous, 22 Mar 201979 is decent? It's like 30 points behind the current cream ... moreRepeat it all you like, fact remains that DxO Mark have no idea how to test cameras. And I have the XZ3 and it's images are fantastic, much more detailed and better definition than Samsung plastic look to images. Just because a review says this or that doesn't mean it's gospel

                            • C
                            • Cir90
                            • pGX
                            • 22 Mar 2019

                            Anonymous, 22 Mar 2019Also the reason why I don't even consider Sony smartphones ... moreSurely you work in fakedxomark

                              • A
                              • Ans
                              • 0Wf
                              • 22 Mar 2019

                              [deleted post]Good joke!

                                • C
                                • Cir90
                                • pGX
                                • 22 Mar 2019

                                No pay no hight score, Huawei pay Next week hight score

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • I8m
                                  • 22 Mar 2019

                                  AnonD-794217, 22 Mar 2019A company which makes camera hardware for other company, bu... moreUnfortunately it's not just their cameras. Their entire mobile division is barely coming out of scrambles. And even more unfortunately for the users is that this means of finally making a small tiny step to recovery only happened after the market decided that sky high prices and holding back tech was a good a idea. It might even be directly related. They decided to put a tiny bit more effort because they could charge more?

                                  But since the xzp they have fixed some serious long standing screen and motherboard issues. And even finally gave us a beautiful oled.
                                  So the next couple generations of Sony devices might start living up to something... While probably of course being severely over priced.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-794217
                                    • wrm
                                    • 22 Mar 2019

                                    A company which makes camera hardware for other company, but can't even make good camera quality for their smartphone. Still waiting for Sony to change their perception how camera and smartphone market work.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • I8m
                                      • 22 Mar 2019

                                      Anonymous, 22 Mar 2019Also the reason why I don't even consider Sony smartphones ... moreTheir beginning goes back further than a couple years or even Android at all. Sony used to be a lot more relevant in the cam department. Right behind Samsung who was right behind Nokia. I'm talking back to Symbian and windows mobile days lol

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • I8m
                                        • 22 Mar 2019

                                        [deleted post]I don't know about image quality per say. Maybe compared to the average camera at the moment. And more so in dynamic range and bokeh.