Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha debuts with wrap-around display, 108MP camera

24 September 2019
The concept has 180% screen-to-body ratio, will cost CNY19,999 (that is $2,800).

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Tarek, 24 Sep 2019Mix series is never meant to do massive business. Rather it... moreLol this"phone" is trash. Just a toy for very rich people, and more delicate than foldable screens. I see zero innovation here.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0$n
    • 24 Sep 2019

    This thing will break 1 minute after you buy it. Furthermore, what is the purpose of having a wrapped up screen like this.. It's beautiful but I doubt it will be practical

    • 👍
    • C
    • Clyde
    • sxs
    • 24 Sep 2019

    Thou shall not drop 😂😂😂

      • f
      • fl80
      • uQ5
      • 24 Sep 2019

      such a small capacity of battery is not enough. screen to body ratio 180% also needs a 100% more battery, 8000mAh

      • 👍
      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Lj%
      • 24 Sep 2019

      Where is Captain?

      To say this phone is not overpriced, but just with 5% profits.

      • 👍
      • Z
      • ZAYED
      • 63$
      • 24 Sep 2019

      What a price!!! 2800 $ wow what about mi mix 4 ordinary

        • T
        • Tarek
        • u10
        • 24 Sep 2019

        Mix series is never meant to do massive business. Rather it always paved and guided others including big players like Apple, Samsung, Huawei etc to follow their innovation. Just remember what Mi Mix 1 phone was. Some people never believed under display earpiece. Now many brands are using it. Crazy screen to body ratio was achieved by them back in 2016. Now after 3 years all brands are pushing it. So this phone is the pioneer of innovation and soon will be followed by others. Once the technology is widely available, price of devices will also go down for the general consumers. Xiaomi deserves a big thanks from all of us for this extra-ordinary service. Though I am an Apple user, I love what they are doing.

        • 👍

        Interesting concept but I imagine it being impractical to use considering edge screens are bad enough, though I'll keep an eye out for how fragile it is and how people get on using it.

          The phone does look amazing, but the price is insane. If I could afford a phone like that, I'd probably get a foldable one, like the Mate X, which has a similar design, but can be unfolded, so it's a lot more useful.

            Whackcar, 24 Sep 2019I wouldn't worry about accidental touches. As we have alrea... moreThankfully not all people are brand-oriented simpletons. Some are able to see individual products by themselves.

            A lot of people said the same about the original Mi Mix being to pricey btw, which also was a high priced device at it's time for Xiaomi. It sold like hotcakes and many switched out their iphones and galaxies. Essentially it was the phone that sat Xiaomi on the map in large parts of the western world.

            I never had iphone as it never really offered what I want, but by father switched from iphone to Xiaomi, as did my little brother who sports the same Mi Mix 3 as me (and used to be a apple fanboy as well) and they're not the only ones.

            • 👍
            • A
            • Ahssan
            • 6p{
            • 24 Sep 2019

            Just one drop on road an its screen 'll be broken...

              • i
              • iSwift
              • Nue
              • 24 Sep 2019

              So much for a foldable device

                The Voice of Reason, 24 Sep 2019A toy for the rich. Will barely sell more than a thousand u... moreRich people needs toys too you know :-)

                We don't actually know how difficult if would be to repair. Usually the thing that makes OLED panels tricky to repair is price and you pretty much have to disassemble the whole phone starting from the back. I think that the disassembly here would be to remove the screen from the test in the first few steps.

                Anyways, this is definitely a type of phone worthy of insurance.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mJs
                  • 24 Sep 2019

                  I like new tech - though this one seems useless. The phone is an overexpensive yota phone without the eink. And with that the death of the mix line. I want to see it in rl though - but would never buy into this. Lets hope there will be a mix 4 some day. Right now it's no more xiaomi for me.

                  • 👍
                  • S
                  • S Yu
                  • tLG
                  • 24 Sep 2019

                  Kevin T, 24 Sep 2019This is next level sorcery Xiaomi is doing what big compan... moreIt can't unwrap, have you been paying attention?
                  There are multiple dual screen devices already, I don't think this provides more in terms of functionality compared to a simple screen at the back. It seems just for looks and bragging rights.

                  • 👍2
                  • D
                  • AnonD-59899
                  • 7t{
                  • 24 Sep 2019

                  Wow! This actually has me extremely interested, unlike Galaxy Fold. The phone looks beautiful, can be used just like any other phone (just having glass doesn't mean it'll suddenly shatter on the slightest fall), and is certainly going to make people notice.

                  Even the price, damn, never thought I'd say this (I'm not one to spend more that $500 on a phone), feels worthy. And this isn't even remotely something I thought when I saw Galaxy Fold. >.>

                    This is next level sorcery
                    Xiaomi is doing what big companies should be doing
                    Apple is the worst company at this moment in terms of innovation

                    • 👍4

                    A toy for the rich. Will barely sell more than a thousand units.

                    Will be absolutely expensive/nigh impossible to repair.

                    Oh, it will look great as a decoration!

                    • 👍
                    • c
                    • chan
                    • tVk
                    • 24 Sep 2019

                    omg best display screen ever

                    • 👍
                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • i8H
                    • 24 Sep 2019

                    Flossy420, 24 Sep 2019Why do you people think this phone is meant for everyone to... moreYour point of view startles me.

                    Who is paying for this innovation? Exactly, the people that buy their phones - at the lower end of the price range. People who cannot or don't want to afford this questionable concept phone.