Google Pixel 4 face unlock worryingly works even when your eyes aren't open

17 October 2019
This can be a privacy issue.

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Because Google gotta left a bug just to make an excuse to give a software update.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Kxu
    • 18 Oct 2019

    Anonymous, 18 Oct 2019Missing the point entirely - if someone cold-cocks you they... moreThey can still force your eyes open. Or Grab your uncooperative fingers if so they please.

    Why not simply invent a new feature? Detect eyes forcefully open, or detect panic in your heart.. prevent phone from unlocking?

    Sadly, people who value privacy to such a degree (ie. blame cops blame gov) usually have something BAD to hide.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Q{4
      • 18 Oct 2019

      pt020, 18 Oct 2019You still have the same face if you open your eyes or not. :)Missing the point entirely - if someone cold-cocks you they can still get your data. Police, governments, criminals, competitors, less trusting partners, frenemies... this is so ripe for abuse I can’t believe they are releasing it, never mind standing by that decision.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Q{4
        • 18 Oct 2019

        This sounds like a ‘government friendly’ concession. I’m sure, now that it’s gaining attention, there’ll be a backtrack. Pixels, I think, should be left to fully bake a bit more. In a month or two the major bugs should mostly be ironed out, and privacy-threatening issues like this (ignoring for a moment the rest of Google’s tentacle-y SOP) hopefully resolved.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • DkR
          • 18 Oct 2019

          Kingslayer, 18 Oct 2019Usually when any new Apple or Google smartphone is released... moreAll I have seen you is whining about how great the pixel 3 is in all these recent pixel articles .I get it ,you want to justify your purchase .Or maybe you personally like it .The pixel 4 is shaping up to be the worst among the pixel line .So ,no surprises that the pixel 3 which was another mediocre phone ,is a better proposition than it's successor.

          That doesn't make the pixel 3 sone underappreciated gem as you are claiming .It was overpriced and had plenty of features missing ,which led to dismal sales .

          Now the pixel 4 series ,by the loooks other it ,is going to be an even worse value proposition.They have made the iPhone series look like they are value for money ,and that is no easy achievement.

            Anonymous, 18 Oct 2019Samsung did it fast, but buggy. Huawei did it fast, but no... moreI agree...Apple is doing a lot of good stuff after their sales didn't reach the required target.

            Google on the other hand is becoming less and less willing to listen to its customers.
            Abysmal base storage, poor battery capacity, display issues, RAM so low that phones became laggy after a few months (thankfully 4 series has 6 GB RAM), radar banned in countries because Google didn't anticipate that 60Ghz frequency cannot be used in every country and lots of other minor bugs.
            Camera and software to an extent, is its ONLY saving grace.

              • M
              • ME
              • ncr
              • 18 Oct 2019

              Google phones are just too expensive, you can get the same thing from china for 1/3 of the price.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uJD
                • 18 Oct 2019

                Samsung did it fast, but buggy.
                Huawei did it fast, but not fast enough.
                Apple did it slow, but ultimately it works.
                Google did it slow, and yet did not work.

                Big shame.

                  • p
                  • pt020
                  • ncr
                  • 18 Oct 2019

                  You still have the same face if you open your eyes or not.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • DkR
                    • 18 Oct 2019

                    Anonymous, 18 Oct 2019I can't imagine spending that money on a phone, car parts b... moreWell what you consider justifying spending money on ,another may consider a waste of time and money .
                    Different strokes for different folks,so if you don't like it ,move on

                      • E
                      • Essen
                      • P%h
                      • 18 Oct 2019

                      Does Google make the Pixel because they lead Android, and so have to have showcase hardware for their software, but purposely make a sorry excuse for hardware because they don't want to antagonise other OEMs.

                      "We have to make a phone, but don't you all worry. We'll ensure it won't be any good."

                        • N
                        • Noel
                        • Tfj
                        • 18 Oct 2019

                        That's a HUGE safety flaw. Men o your gf or wife will just have at it with your phone when u fall more secrets. I mean this will apply both ways.

                          Kingslayer, 18 Oct 2019This is where I believe 3 is greater than 4. Pixel 4 - ... moreAgree with everything except the Face ID part, the Pixel 3 didn't have it, so why is it in your comparison? or are you saying the 2D face unlock was more secure?

                            AnonD-122899, 18 Oct 2019So it sounds like Apple's is having a better FaceID tech th... moreDude, it's the 1st time Google try Face ID, every manufacturers have problems when they use a tech for the 1st time, I just hope Google will be able to improve it via software.


                              Another year, another half-baked and bug-infested Pixel phone. Every year, it seems like every new model of the Pixel is plagued with bugs and issues, even with the first model.

                              Sure, it has one of the best cameras, but that's pointless if the phone itself is a mess.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-122899
                                • Gfx
                                • 18 Oct 2019

                                So it sounds like Apple's is having a better FaceID tech than Google's?

                                  Best Pixels Ever -

                                  I specifically like the black 3 and panda 2 XL. The orange and panda 4 look pretty good though. Since I usually get cases for it, I will always go with black though.

                                    Usually when any new Apple or Google smartphone is released, people whine about it. Then as time passes, the price goes down and the sales go up. Then as more people pick it up, more praises for it.

                                    Wash, rinse, repeat. That's my takeaway for every major smartphone announcement from Apple or Google. The cheaper 3 will only get more love right now as the price goes down.

                                    In a year, people will whine about the Pixel 5 and start snatching up the cheaper 4.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • TKj
                                      • 18 Oct 2019

                                      i won't be using face ID unlock. I will only be using Pattern/Pin :D

                                        Can't see the different between $800 pixel and $400 k20 pro xD