Better Business Bureau finds T-Mobile to be misleading Americans about 5G in ads
- w
- weasel
- Fv1
- 19 Sep 2022
i have only been with t mobile for 2 months and i have had enough lies. there is no service in northern wisconsin nor will there be any. there are no towers in northern wisconsin so there map coverage is boggiest. to get out of contract it will be 2000 to cover the 3 phones i have so basically stuck with paying for 24 month and no service. stay away from them if you live in the north woods
- B
- BellaMarie
- Ij}
- 16 Sep 2022
Victim of Tmobile li, 16 Sep 2022I contacted the local store that replaced my old phone I ha... moreI 100% agree that there should be multiple lawsuits!!! I am contacting every single class action lawsuit website that I can find and am making complaints. I have also filed complaints with the FTC, FCC, BBB and my State AG!! The more complaints and requests for class action lawsuits that are received, the quicker something will be done about it.
- B
- BellaMarie
- 0d9
- 16 Sep 2022
DDG , 08 Sep 2022This has been the worst experience I have ever had with a c... moreI will gladly file suit! They cannot get away with this.
- B
- BellaMarie
- 0d9
- 16 Sep 2022
N. Nelson , 04 Aug 2022I signed up for this service a few months ago. It has been ... moreI switched to T-Mobile recently and have had nothing but problems since day one. They claimed 5G was available in my area, after signing up for a new phone on their network, an agent informed me that 5G is not fully developed in my area and to use 4G. I am paying for 5G service, I deserve what I’m paying for. They breached their contract with me too. I couldn’t take another minute of it and paid the $1200 to pay the device off so I could get the hell off their network. It’s completely unfair. They should be sued!!!
- V
- Victim of Tmobile li
- q9E
- 16 Sep 2022
I contacted the local store that replaced my old phone I had from my 20yr old sprint business account. I have not been able to call from anywhere around my area. Calls just drop with no coverage. I was told at the store when I got the phones that the 5g is soo good I'll be amazed, and all the other little things they claim about the tmobile service. Today when I asked what was goin on because of this issue (dropped call 3 times talking from 3 blks from the store) the rep explained that Tmobile doesn't have any active towers in the area!? WHAT!? He told me that they were having issues negotiating with Verizon to use their towers and its been goin on for quite some time. I told him thats insane and that should have been disclosed at the time of purchase NOT being lied to hoping I wouldn't notice? I asked if there was any kind of reimbursement or discount due to the fact that I'm not receiving the service I signed up for. He said there's nothing Tmobile can do and I just have to wait for negotiations ( already been a year He said ) to conclude!? This is absolutely insane to me that such blatant fraud is being allowed by this company! How are there no class action law suits against Tmobile yet!? Especially when I read about what has been going on with Tmobile all over the country!? This company should be bankrupt from lawsuits at this point. How are they allowed to continue to use such misleading fraudulent business tactics. I'm reading on here, people have to change their bank to get out of tmobile taking their money!? Are you kidding me!? WE should all be taking Tmobiles Money!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- IKj
- 14 Sep 2022
DDG , 08 Sep 2022This has been the worst experience I have ever had with a c... morewow i have been dealing with these people.. i have suffered a severe heart attack, i have never been treated so viciously by the last agent i talked to.. in my entire life by any business. i believe their policies are deciving and they are very manipulating + they will lie to you in order to get money from you and then i was sent a bill on something i never even hooked up to!.. had everything canceled and asked for a simple return label one for the phone one for the refurbished routernext.. and then the next day they said my account belonged to my brother-in-law and gave his name. and told me they would have to talk to him about my account.. unbelievable.. i have never had to call so many times in my life since friday september 6th the first day i dealt with them.. finally got a rep to send me a return label for the phone.. i have not received a return label for the router... and was mistreated so badly, that i almost had to call 911.. when i get there equipment back to them i never want to hear from those people again! good luck and god bless anyone who gets involved with these people ❗❗❗
- D
- 4$7
- 08 Sep 2022
This has been the worst experience I have ever had with a company. We had sprint and had our issues but not like this. Our phones have been shutting off and not working for a month or so now. Call customer support the first time and they say “ we will send new SIM cards” those never came. Go to the store to see if they have SIM cards and no they don’t. Ok they reset our phones and they work for a week maybe. Then boom the don’t work again we call customer support and they say “ we will reset your phones.” Well here we are on Day 4. Can not dail out unless we use FaceTime audio. Call Verizon to get a phone plan set up they call T-Mobile to get our phone numbers moved to Verizon account. T-Mobile calls us immediately and ask why we are switching carriers we explain because you all are trash! They hang up and immediately turn our phones back on. Wow so you had the capability to do this all along but you didn’t until your completion shows up and tries to take your customers, and now you can turn our phones magically on. I don’t know what type of fraud they are on but something isn’t right and we all need to come together and file a lawsuit against this fraudulent company.
- T
- Truth be told
- IbI
- 07 Sep 2022
Truth be told I could not activate a new phone service at a T mobile retail store. If this ain't a sign of what's to come I don't know what is.
- F
- Flapper
- 7CK
- 03 Sep 2022
It’s always been a Pan getting new phones sprint T-Mobile got new phones every thing went to h ell just like every one on here I have not had a phone bill in 5 months also 2 iPhones 13pros locked into a contract with NO SErvice unbelievable 50 hours on the with service have to us my home internet to make my phones work at all I’m about to pay them off it’s not cool no bill no service totally BS
- ?
- Anonymous
- QJm
- 01 Sep 2022
I had an old Samsung S8+ and it was working great with Sprint. But, when I had to put that T-Mobile sim card in it all turned to crap. Same issues everyone else is having, dropped calls, no service, slow speeds. After hours of tech support calls still not working I bought a new Galaxy s22 plus thinking ok this should fix my problems. Well it did not fix anything, still same issues and T-Mobile coverage map shows my area as having Excellent 5g coverage but guess what, NOPE!. Tech support now says oh, its the towers they still have not updated them. Isn't that illegal to say you have 5g but it does not work due you not having your equipment setup properly?
- ?
- Anonymous
- jh}
- 29 Aug 2022
Saeed, 27 Sep 2021We have been w Sprint for decades. Never ever had any issue... moreJust spent 3 freaking hours trying to pay off $133 dollars which was left on my account so I could escape this $&@% show that has replaced sprint... had been on automatic payment for 5 years with sprint for many years but once T-Mobile took over no Matter how many times I clicked autopay I was contacted by my college student via their roommate because they once again had their phone service interrupted and just for s hits and giggles I went in payed the bill and was charged a late fee...when u try make a payment no problem.. when you end service or pay off phone gray bar ...
- p
- pissed
- 4VY
- 27 Aug 2022
was with sprint since 2007. have had nothing but trouble with t_mobile customer service...they suck
- V
- VACaver
- YiP
- 23 Aug 2022
Rick, 14 Aug 2022Change your bank account number. That stopped them from STE... moreLoyal Sprint customer for years. My S21+ has been an awesome phone.
Put in the SIM card that T-mobile sent me and now my phone is crap. Dropped calls, phone locking up several times a day, phone resetting itself several times a day.
T-mobile customer service said it's not their problem and that my phone is defective. Funny how it became defective the moment I put the T-Mobile SIM card in!
Samsung ran some diagnostics on my phone and said it isn't defective. Gee...imagine that.
So basically T-mobile is sticking to the "It's not our problem" excuse.
My phone will be paid of in 8 months. The moment it is, I'm done with T-Mobile.
- R
- Rick
- rRU
- 14 Aug 2022
Come Back Sprint, 14 Jun 2022I have the same situation. I had been a Sprint customer fo... moreChange your bank account number. That stopped them from STEALING my money
- ?
- Anonymous
- rRU
- 14 Aug 2022
Anonymous, 23 Jun 2022I cancel my service with t-mobile two months ago and they s... moreI had to change my bank account number. They locked 2 of my phones up illegally. That is probably what everyone will have do do do
- ?
- Anonymous
- IbG
- 12 Aug 2022
I was so glad to read that so many people in so many places are having the same issues I'm having. T-Mobile made me feel like it was only me having problems. I had been a happy Sprint customer since they sponsored Kyle Petty and never had any problems making or receiving phone calls. I also had my wifi with them. It was 3G but was way faster than 5G with T-Mobile. Most of the time with them it has been 0G. Same run around as everyone else, both in the store and on my landline with them. Same deal with wanting to pay off what I was told I would owe only to be told a figure 3 times as much. Turns out those deals are only if you stay with their lack of service. I think something needs to be done about them misleading so many people
- Z
- Zeira
- IbI
- 10 Aug 2022
So relieved to see that T-Mobile hasn't been targeting me personally by randomly cutting both 5G and 4G service in areas where there would be no reason at all for poor service, and really it does happen anywhere at random. I tried switching to 4G at the suggestion of T-Mobile's customer service dept., despite paying extra for their 5G plan. No improvement. Why am I paying out the @ss for a relatively affordable phone? I'm definitely going back to Verizon ASAP.
I have had some of the most bewildering customer service of my lifetime on the phone with T-Mobile. I thought someone was going to pull out a camera and say gotcha. It was not unlike talking to a cartoon salesman who does NOT want to hear your side. Their tactic is to talk over your, and in circles around you, to confuse you enough to just agree to whatever $hitty bandaid they put on your terrible situation.
They didn't apply the promotion I was offered when signing up with them, which was basically a free phone in exchange for your old one. They first said there was no promotion applied to my account, in a way that made me feel like he was thinking that should be the end of it. Then he tried saying that because they also gave me the promotion for a free watch with the purchase of service, that that promotion had not been applied. Again like this was some kind of solution. I went on to say that if this was true, then I was mislead during the sale. This prompted him to change his tune and then he had me hold while he talked with his supervisor, then he said that the promotion doesn't get applied until 2 months after for whatever reason. So I had been overpaying on my bill as though I had never traded my phone into them, and they said wait a few days to see your new statement and it should be applied. On the day of my new statement, it said my bill was the same jacked up price. When I called back is when I spoke to the cartoony @sshole dude. He said a MILLION words, but to keep it short, he basically said that it hadn't been applied still due to a system error and needs to be fixed manually, and said that if I wait until next month I will see the correct billing amount promotion my applied promotion. I tried to ask why, if it was a system error and needed manual processing, did I need to wait an additional month to pay the proper amount & be credited what I had overpayed already for two months? As I said, he gave me the run around and wouldn't shut the he1l up and I was exhausted of his $hit, so I gave up and said nevermind. Talk to you next month.
Fortunately it worked out that time around, but alas, no service to use it with.
- N
- N. Nelson
- gMV
- 04 Aug 2022
I signed up for this service a few months ago. It has been a nightmare from the very beginning. They keep telling you wait till your bill comes before they can verify how much you owe what they’re crediting you. All lies. Finally you get your bill and they tell you it is too late to make any changes unless you have to pay a fee. I still don’t have any service that works. I still don’t have voicemail. And my bill is double what was promised to me. I have spent hours on the phone leaving multiple tickets for repairs and complaints about lack of customer service. An executive finally reached out to me. She gave me a phone number that does not work. She does respond to emails but has told me she can’t do anything. I’m stuck they took my cell phones and did not issue me the credit promise. They breached the contract not me. Now I am only left with paying full price for a phone that I never wanted. Not fair
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y7U
- 02 Aug 2022
My service is horrible since the switch to TMobile. Anyone else having issues with the voicemail app and also connecting to WIFI? My wifi is horrible now on my phone.
- J
- Jul
- IbI
- 31 Jul 2022
Jay, 29 Jul 2022So I found a work around for this issue today. I kept losi... moreSo what's the APN?