Huawei's HarmonyOS already has 134,000 apps, over 4 million developers have signed on

11 June 2021
The OS supports Android apps, but Huawei is encouraging devs to create apps for the Harmony ecosystem.

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  • 11 Jun 2021

Is it possible that we can use google photos and google maps in Harmony OS like in iphones?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • RIL
    • 11 Jun 2021

    Avon B7, 11 Jun 2021That pseudo investigative piece is flawed and has been note... more"That pseudo investigative piece is flawed and has been noted as such. "

    ONLY BY YOU and no offense man for someone who only goes around on there to "defend" Huawei, I would NOT consider YOU and you alone as the one and all expert to make any note of. Your vested interest is clear.

    A "renamed" source code is a renamed source code. No matter what other fancy shmancy additions made on top. If HarmonyOS plans to be its own proper upstream source say a'la Ubuntu to Debian Linux, then it has to walk that same talk of "upstreaming" enough patches/fixes/feature innovations back to the upstream in this case Android.

    Technical proclivities aside as peculiarly it's the only thing that you're very quick to make a point of, rather than address some basic yet very disturbing parts as to how Huawei conduct that rather ridiculous 2 day background check for the SDK?

    International devs imho shouldn't be touching anything that REQUIRES A PICTURE OF SAID PARTICIPANT'S PASSPORT, unless if they're actually applying for proper employment. End of.

    Kernel abstraction layers can't possibly be that "offset" enough to warrant such personal data privacy over reach.

      Vasra, 11 Jun 2021And tell me, which non-Chinese companies will run HarmonyOS... morePartners don't have to run HarmonyOS. They only need to link with HarmonyOS Connect (previously HiLink). Cecotec is one (Spanish) example

        Vasra, 11 Jun 2021Exactly, you got. it US sanctions. Until they are in pow... moreNo. IoT doesn't require chips on those processes. Huawei can produce anything as long as there is no US technology in the process or a licence is granted.

        It is rumoured that both Samsung and Mediatek are in the running to provide exactly those non-US alternatives.

          AnonD-558092, 11 Jun 2021But I do... moreThat pseudo investigative piece is flawed and has been noted as such. HarmonyOS for phones is probably based on AOSP but HarmonyOS is actually currently a multi kernel system with a kernel abstraction layer. How that was not caught by the reviewer is a mystery.

          That means that HarmonyOS can actually be different things depending on the devices that run it. It can fit on devices with 128kb of memory.

          Do you think this is running Android?

          How is HarmonyOS capable of self configuring networking between IoT devices so quickly, stably and with low latency? Because Huawei has taken four existing levels of communication and rolled them into one simplified protocol.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0TY
            • 11 Jun 2021

            Victor Sol, 11 Jun 2021Am definitely going to buy the P50 pro it seems Harmony Os ... moreI'm sure it work long time

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • fk{
              • 11 Jun 2021

              Yo-Mama, 11 Jun 2021How can there be 4 millon devs and 'only' about 5... moreYou're underestimating how many developers it could take to develop even one propper Application. And don't get me started on games.

                IpsDisplay, 11 Jun 2021I've thought about it And the answer is simple the... moreAnd tell me, which non-Chinese companies will run HarmonyOS? USA can put them on the sanction list too, just like they did with all the previous Chinese companies.

                Look, I'd like Huawei to succeed as well, but USA has a stranglehold on the world on the chip delivery.

                  Avon B7, 11 Jun 2021Everybody would love to fab chips for Huawei. It's not... moreExactly, you got. it US sanctions.

                  Until they are in power or until China can manufacture at least 14nm/10nm nodes, they are screwed and so is Huawei.

                    Nick Tegrataker, 11 Jun 2021Um, like literally every IoT devices that you can think of?... moreLiterally IoT LP devices don't run on 28n nodes...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • fIU
                      • 11 Jun 2021

                      AnonD-558092, 11 Jun 2021But I do... moreThe writer thought he caught Huawei but he made a fool of himself. A developer made a video on bilibili to explain his folly. Watch his video here

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • inr
                        • 11 Jun 2021

                        AnonD-558092, 11 Jun 2021But I do... moreArs barely scratched the surface of Harmony OS really could be with that article. It did not bother going into a single line of the OS source codes, did not look for a single article from Chinese news websites that are related to Harmony, and complained about the identification process that Apple often does too. What is even worse is that people are allowing for such a poorly researched article like this to exist because Huawei hate train is what is everyone is hopping onto.

                        I can be certain that you do not even know there are a branch of OpenHarmony that lacks Android subsystem, as well as others that do come with the subsystem preinstalled so that they can run most Android apps without hitting any wall. AOSP is a pluggable component of Harmony and devices running on this OS would boot just fine even if they didn't have AOSP. This is why other users told you to learn the difference between UI and OS!

                          Anonymous, 11 Jun 2021Android is emulation ran atop Linux, there was an OS develo... moreAndroid itself is a modified kernel based on Linux. Any OS that is developed based on a Linux kernel can, theoretically run android apps. Doesn't mean it is an android phone.

                            • j
                            • jango
                            • anI
                            • 11 Jun 2021

                            AnonD-558092, 11 Jun 2021But I do... moreYeah HarmonyOs is basically Android for now, i think Huawei released an unfinished os, they were in a hurry to replace the Android Os that they've released an unfinished Os. The point is that Huawei is going to replace all the Android stuff in its Os with time and it's going to stand up as a separate Os as an alternative to Android.

                              • Y
                              • Yo-Mama
                              • nDx
                              • 11 Jun 2021

                              How can there be 4 millon devs and 'only' about 5 million apps for ios and android combined?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • TLP
                                • 11 Jun 2021

                                Xu Shuang, 11 Jun 2021Tsmc is useless to China. It's just a plant that relie... moreip theft time!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-558092
                                  • IBQ
                                  • 11 Jun 2021

                                  SpiritWolf, 11 Jun 2021You really shouldn't talk if you even don't know ... moreBut I do...
                                  You really shouldn't give lessons if you are uneducated about what you're teaching yourself.
                                  "Harmony" is Android with a new coat of paint and HMS. The End. No need to apologize for your own ignorance, it's not like that information was freely available online or anything like that.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-558092
                                    • IBQ
                                    • 11 Jun 2021

                                    Nika pitskhelauri, 11 Jun 2021Yoy Have No Prrof About That🙂Other than proof given by journalists that do their job, testing HarmonyOS hands-on?

                                      • j
                                      • jango
                                      • anI
                                      • 11 Jun 2021

                                      TestTest, 11 Jun 2021You again? Every damn thread where Huawei is mentioned, y... moreDude stop whining, HarmonyOS is android and that's a fact, it based 100% of the source code of android since it's open source, anyone can make an android os, the problem is the services google offers. Google has made it that even if you can make your own android os you can't make it work without the play services, and that's what huawei is doing making their own services for apps to use

                                        Whatever no one care harmony os.
                                        I bet u guya don't be emotional!

                                        Not even windows phone cop up with Android.