Weekly poll results: port-less phones may be an unfortunate future, according to most

25 June 2023
Few are enthusiastic about this possible future, but hopes that the EU will prevent it may be barking up the wrong tree.

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  • Anonymous
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  • 25 Jun 2023

blue, 25 Jun 2023You have a choice of phones with jack and SD. Don't ta... moreAn "option" with fewer features and no substitutes for them isn't actually an option, it's just dumb.

    Anonymous, 25 Jun 2023you know, your comment says it all. You just accept Facebo... moreThey will own nothing, and they will be happy

      • b
      • blue
      • 0CN
      • 25 Jun 2023

      you have to suffer, 25 Jun 2023so bothering about removing features is talking BS?? wow. j... moreYour "reasons" for removing features are total BS. You only prove that you missed last twenty years of development.

        • b
        • blue
        • 0CN
        • 25 Jun 2023

        you have to suffer, 25 Jun 2023the wired one is still superior even today. can offer bette... moreSomehow you seem to be stuck in 2009 with your views. Maybe you should update your software to 2023.

          • b
          • blue
          • 0CN
          • 25 Jun 2023

          afronoia, 25 Jun 2023I repeat, AGAIN: Sony is not global. The fact that they don... moreWell, you only confirmed my points. If you really needed this technology, you would buy Xperia. You don't buy, don't need.
          And for the screen - it can be replaced with something else? It can't, right? While both jack and SD can be replaced by more advanced technology. Once screen would be replaced with holographic view, I would certainly switch.
          Too bad you had no serious arguments and only proved that you don't understand technology at all.

            Kingchin33, 25 Jun 2023For now buddy so enjoy 🙃 But portless phones will inevitabl... moreif it happens then i would move on buying xperia phone

              you have to suffer, 25 Jun 2023i do not, i still stay on wired environment🙃For now buddy so enjoy 🙃 But portless phones will inevitably be the future for the majority of phones. Just like non removable batteries and no headphone jack became the standard on phones.

                blue, 25 Jun 2023The choice is the system, for example. The rest of your BS... moreso bothering about removing features is talking BS?? wow. just wow
                i am astonishing right nowww😲😲😲😲😲
                what system? anti-consumer system??

                  Edward Coventry, 25 Jun 2023You will change your mind one day i do not, i still stay on wired environment🙃

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 7Xi
                    • 25 Jun 2023

                    Anonymous, 25 Jun 2023Maybe you have simpleton usage aka not utilizing your phone... moreI game on my phone alot every 2 days for several hours, I just make sure that the phone doesn't reach 0-10 percent before I charge it and I cool it before charging. Both my Xiaomi and Apple phones lasted that long although the iPhone showed signs of reduced battery life as early as 2 years but it lasted for 7 years which was long enough for me to buy a new phone while my Xiaomi still has good enough battery life even after 5 years although it has shown signs of reduced battery life in the 7th year.

                      • 2
                      • 25.06.2023.12.37
                      • 4BZ
                      • 25 Jun 2023

                      blue, 25 Jun 2023I really don't care about polls here. This is a site v... moreIt's factually not easy for those buyers to just move out of an ecosystem like Apple's or Samsung's. Sony Xperia 1 V is more expensive anyway, completely defeating the purpose of the SD card and Micro SD card slot. That's the point. Make it so expensive that it completely defeats the purpose, and might as well just get an iPhone or Galaxy. Next up, they're going to remove the camera and make a dedicated one that you can buy separately, and everyone will be "happy" about it.

                        • b
                        • blue
                        • 0CN
                        • 25 Jun 2023

                        Kangal, 25 Jun 2023Because what is "better" is NOT what always or us... moreDidn't read all the BS you write, since it does not make sense at all.
                        Just one example why you are wrong - people had a chance to change the direction when Samsung started removing jack or card. If they decided not to buy, Samsung would have to change its policy. They bought. So these features were not important at all. And remained unimportant. Just as unimportant as super fast charging.

                          • b
                          • blue
                          • 0CN
                          • 25 Jun 2023

                          you have to suffer, 25 Jun 2023what is the choice for having an iphone-like android device... moreThe choice is the system, for example.
                          The rest of your BS talk is simply... BS.

                            • b
                            • blue
                            • 0CN
                            • 25 Jun 2023

                            Anonymous, 25 Jun 2023Another one falling for the newer = better meme. In this case newer is better. Faster, more advanced, with a lot of space for further development. Your ancient tech is on its limit.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Ids
                              • 25 Jun 2023

                              Are you really funny? Are you still debating whether wired earbuds or wireless earbuds is better? Come on man. Both can be great. Wireless can be better and wired can be better. It depends. And I'm not from a cave. I have both types. For phones use wireless to avoid messy cables. For laptops use wired you don't walk with laptop anyway.

                                you have to suffer, 25 Jun 2023the wired one is still superior even today. can offer bette... moreYou will change your mind one day

                                  Edward Coventry, 25 Jun 2023It's quite a simple point that all else being equal it... morethe wired one is still superior even today. can offer better external mic recording, unlike bluetooth where they only offer 2009's flip phone mic quality.. does not interrupt you using it during charging (i dont recommend using it longer) and does not require batteries, if your wired headphones or earphones you can just resolder it or buy another one. it is very straightforward and does not require you to enter the bluetooth setting and wait for pair..

                                    Anonymous, 25 Jun 2023"Wired headphones are bad because they're wired&q... moreIt's quite a simple point that all else being equal its better to not have a physical wire running between your phone and headphones. I'm guessing you've never tried them

                                      Anonymous, 25 Jun 2023"Wired headphones are bad because they're wired&q... moreyou could've called them a modernist. where they treat old tech like a rock.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • rKg
                                        • 25 Jun 2023

                                        Edward Coventry, 25 Jun 2023I used to think phones should have sd card and aux port too... more"Wired headphones are bad because they're wired"
                                        what really makes you think wired is bad except saying they're wired (need real explanation on why wired is bad)

                                        "we like laughing at techies who can't adjust to new tech"
                                        Who told you that they can't adjust to new tech? They are just asking for wired earphone and sd slot as an extra option.
                                        And if you think new tech is always better you are disillusioned.
                                        If wireless was better then whole world would've accepted Nicola Tesla's wireless tower concept but that is not truth. I agree Wireless is new tech but you cannot say it is better than wired.