Nokia N90

Nokia N90

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Alejandro
  • P@d
  • 25 Aug 2005

@mustafa ===============
@Sea ===============

THERE IS NO VIBRATION. If you have time, read my user review here:

If you badly need the vibration, you can buy other phones with vibration for there are so many. ;o)

@Rune ===============

Are you sure you waited 10 seconds for the camera mode to be activated??? Mine's 1 sec to 2 always. Please remove all your data from the internal memory. transfer them all to your RS-MMC. Always leave the main memory empty so that it could cache more data and make the speed of operation fast.

If you have time, you can read my user production review here:

    • R
    • Rune
    • mY7
    • 24 Aug 2005

    I took some pictures of the famous "chainbridge" in Budapest today with my N90 and though I would see if the camera is so slow as many people say. I opened the phone put it into position and waited for the camera mode to "kick in". It took me in all 10 seconds. The first 8 seconds because i was afraid to open it too fast and lose it and 2 seconds for the camera mode to "kick in". And quess what... the bridge was stil there :)

    I have two questions.

    1) Why does the speed of changing modes matter? If it takes 1 or 3 second it does not matter as the person or in my case "bride" will stil be there.

    2) Could someone mention the most common problem they have with the phone (N90) so I can see if what they say are true.


      • R
      • Rune
      • mY7
      • 24 Aug 2005

      In Hungary I bought it for 725 euro or 880 dollars at Nokia which is located at (Westend city centre, Budapest)

        • a
        • avantis
        • S7U
        • 24 Aug 2005

        In Greece it sells for about Euro 670.

          • A
          • Ahmad
          • iKt
          • 24 Aug 2005

          Here in Kuwait is been sold for 450KD , around 1500 $ !? how much is it in your country , e-mail me f u like !

            • a
            • avantis
            • S7U
            • 24 Aug 2005

            Got the N90 yesterday.This phone is in a different league compared to anything else. Apart from being a top class phone with a top class camera it is a beautiful piece of engineering. I also possess the K750 and although it is a very good phone, it can not compare with the N90 I am afraid....

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PGH
              • 24 Aug 2005

              It is clearly mentioned here that this phone has no vibration! I've read it in a lot of reviews too. Is vibration really that important?

                • m
                • mustafa
                • np3
                • 24 Aug 2005

                could the people who bought this phone tell me if it has VİBRATİON

                  • H
                  • Hubb
                  • CSJ
                  • 24 Aug 2005

                  Singapore should be launching this weekend as far as i know. But finger crossed, as the phone has been delayed from time to time.

                    • P
                    • Paul H
                    • mHp
                    • 24 Aug 2005

                    Thought I'd give nokia another chance but yet again this one was no differnt to the last Nokia 8310 I had. It packed up in 2 days so the brand doesn't seem any more reliable. As I had 14 days to return it I did! Think I'll wait for the Motorola V1150 or V3x as its now called and stick to my Moto V600 which has yet to let me down.

                      • @
                      • @DoUL
                      • iEt
                      • 23 Aug 2005

                      You've just proved me right man, if it's not nokia it's not a mobile .... For me this way of thinking is the worst a fan can ever get. 2 bad :(

                        • t
                        • t_faj
                        • iE9
                        • 23 Aug 2005

                        its very simple

                        if its not from germany dont drive it
                        if its not from italy, its not pasta
                        if its not nokia, dont ever make or receive calls with it

                          • A
                          • Andres
                          • iCc
                          • 23 Aug 2005


                          Are you sure? N90 slow? and how are you sure that N70 will be faster? have you used it?

                          with bluetooth restarting every what? i have been using this for almost all day. no restart. no hand. no CRAP just like what you are saying....

                            • b
                            • burat
                            • PBY
                            • 23 Aug 2005

                            okay..okay! buy n90 if you want!, but to those who wrote their opinions about n90 do you had a chance to use the phone?? you guys just depends on "specifications"!!!! not like SE they've proven to be the best both specs and review....just wait for p1000 it has memory card and the latest minidisc so you can play and save better mp3,dvd and 3mp!!!expensive???n90 is expensive!

                              • L
                              • Linn
                              • nr9
                              • 23 Aug 2005

                              A week ago, i bought this fon.
                              Now, I'd rather buy N70, cos N90 is slow, ugly, and really BIG!
                              So, when you dont need great display, buy N70, it has same photo/video resolution, looks nice :), has (visual) radio, and it should be more stabile (N90 has a tendence to reset every 20 minutes when connected with bluetoot) .

                                • j
                                • jetplane
                                • mbm
                                • 23 Aug 2005

                                I found this user review of the N90 interesting. for thos who are not in favor of the N90. Dont click it this: ;o)


                                  • R
                                  • Rune
                                  • mY7
                                  • 23 Aug 2005

                                  "Burat",i`m sure you are right about the P1000. The problem is as "jetplane" said. If you want to wait for a better phone you can wait all your life, as there will always be a new and better phone scheduled for release when you buy one. I realy don`t care about 4GB or 32 GB of memory etc (as long as the phone meets my current needs). I needed a new mobile now as i recently lost my old one (Sony Eriksson T610 an excellent phone) and of the current choices i found that the N90s design and features were closest to what I want from a phone. I do have to mention that I know the Sony Ericsson phones match the Nokia phones on performance and features (not design though, as I do believe Nokia has the edge in that field) and the two companies produce phones that are equal in all fields, both produce excellent phones. But this time I felt like buying the N90... next time maybe I will get a Sony Ericsson if I find their phones better at the moment when I make my choice (who knows, my last phones were: Nokia 6610 and T610). As long as I can get a phone "NOW" that gives me what I excpect from a phone I realy don`t care about phones being released in 1,2 or 6 months.

                                  And as for money I do agree that the price was high, but for me this is not a deciding factor when buying a phone. If I do not buy a phone because of the price I will always regret it, that is why I never put the price "in my way".

                                  To be honest I never knew that there was a "competition" between Sony Eriksson and Nokia buyers... not to the extent where people actualy come with such "negative" remarks just to protect the reputation of their phone company. I`m not so much into mobile cults. This is something I would excpet in a rpg forum.

                                  All I can say is that next time maybe I will buy a Sony Eriksson...who knows, but not this time.

                                  Have a nice day.

                                    • j
                                    • jetplane
                                    • mbm
                                    • 23 Aug 2005


                                    People have different wants and needs when it comes to cell phone. You cannot force someone to buy the phone you want. They have their own decisions and brains of their own.

                                    Most of are budget conscious and some are really eager on buying expensive cell phones becuase they have money and not because they want to waste money and because they have lots of it. For me, waste of money is a paradigm of obligation. If the product didn't met your expectations, then don't waste money on it. There is always a demo unit you can play with. if after a while you are not satisfied. don't buy it.

                                    Regarding the P1000, chances are there would not be any one of them this year. If you will wait for the latest always, you will end up NOT buying a thing. You know what, by the time P1000 arrive, there would be another latest like N90i or P1000i. Trust me, if you will wait again for them, then you will not ever buy a phone in your entire life.

                                      • R
                                      • Rune
                                      • mY7
                                      • 23 Aug 2005

                                      Just bought the N90 today. I was looking at all kind of reviews and info I could find on the different phones (Mainly Sony Ericsson and Nokia). The Sony Ericsson phones are in my opinion excellent phones, but in the end it was was the design of the N90 that made me go for it and the fact that the N90 is a slightly better phone for videos and images (I also appreciate the big screen). As I do not realy use the phone for listening to song I did not put much weight on this aspect. Just my 2 cent.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 2Zu
                                        • 22 Aug 2005

                                        lolx.... that is a walkman phone.. why would you complain if they are going to release 32GB duo card? r you afraid because nokia isnt goin to release any of them? anyway... walkman is not supposed to be compared to nokia.. the only reason they release 32GB is so that this phone able to be compared to iPod