Nokia X30

Nokia X30

User opinions and reviews

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  • 24 Feb 2023

Imbukwa, 24 Feb 2023HMD global has failed. Too many complaints regarding Nokia ... moreThe problem with HMD is that they don't respond to their online community.
The best thing anybody having issues with their phones can do is typing an email

    • M
    • Minu
    • ter
    • 24 Feb 2023

    Hoova , 18 Feb 2023May I ask for your opinion, why would I buy this and not th... moreBetter build quality, camera lenses, user experience and storage basically. Nokia's phones give better photos compared to Pixels when Google camera is used.
    Apart from that, everything else is similar.
    You can decide what you purchase. It's your own money. Here the X30 is cheaper than the 6a (which is only grey imported by certain shops)

      HMD global has failed. Too many complaints regarding Nokia X30, X10, G21,etc on their Nokia forums and HMD won't listen. The success of a business is when customers come back to buy the product again. But like HMD, they won't have returning customers.

        Anonymous, 21 Feb 2023Yeah true. It is not an excuse but you simply compromise to... moreI agree

          • S
          • Sin
          • 0Rf
          • 24 Feb 2023

          Hoova , 22 Feb 2023I couldn't disagree more. The last couple of Android u... moreFor me
          No good has. Ever come from Android updates on Nokia phones or any modern phone

          Android 4 phones from 2014 benefits as being updated too android 6 is good for app compatibility
          so the heavy os smoothness performance loss is worth the trade off
          Although the phone run sluggish it be able run any mainstream apps
          Or even most modern games if only the hardware was better

          But in the case of Android 8 phone updating too android 10 it's really taken its toll on my phone
          Not only did performance insufferable at times less bad at other times

          I have 16gb storage the os used 2gb but the updates taken away another Full 10gb of my storage I lost

          So I only have 4gb storage left too work with for apps
          This is not enough available storage

          My smartphone middle of the rood not the best not the worsed either
          Better then Nokia 2.1 not as good as Nokia 5.1

          I have Nokia 3.1 crappy base version sadly
          definitely say updates didn't do it any favours

          possibly bugs existed before the updates but this kinda crap should be fixed before even releasing a phone on the original software

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • uwC
            • 24 Feb 2023

            Anonymous, 23 Feb 2023Your words reads as, "As, i said, hmd cannot be com... moreUpdate to my previous message...

            When HMD has good developers to employ Android on a new system (mobile) why can't these same developers can update Android quickly in a better way? Manufacturers can't launch good new mobiles without an efficient and effective Product Development team which includes good software professionals. If you say that this mobile Nokia X30 is excellent it goes without saying that HMD has good quality software professionals which contradicts your argument. The rest follows.

              • C
              • Carol
              • mek
              • 24 Feb 2023

              Anonymous, 23 Feb 2023Since you speak about software (Android) development a lot ... moreI never said that it is too hard for a small company to do updates without professionals (whatever that means for you), i said that is slower and i also called the main reasons, well i called it "a reason", there are obviously more then one, so apologize for that small detail that i took out of the context. i didn't knew that there will be hard for a person to see that i am not actually talking about just one reason. But thanks for pointing out that i need to be more structured when i write.
              Anyway, i do not know all the steps of android updates, i correlate with this field of work because i work in it (not as developer), and it is not easy as most people think. There are times where it takes a lot of developers and hours of work, even weeks, just to find the cause of a bug and fix it, of course that so many hours invested in just one bug is not the norm but comes frequently in developement and especially after deployment of a software.
              Each company has (or well, should have) core developers and normal developers that work on a project, there are also elite developers that also innovate software but we let them out of discution as it can get confusing, especially because android is already "there". The usual is, core developers work on software "engine" implement new features or further develope a software, while the normal ones take the core project and develop it further for the hardware needed to be deployed on or depending of customer requirements, implement or take out features. There are of course also other factors to be taken in consideration and work to be done, so this are just examples. In Android world will not be way more different then this.
              I do not know how hmd plans it's developers on what projects and how many hours, but i presume that they have a team of 10 or so for each device released, maybe even more. Once a device get's obsolete, the team get's to another project, if there are to few developers, there might be "one developer assigned to two or more projects" situation.
              I think this is enough for you to comprehend that developement is not a copy paste situation made by a lot of greedy people.
              If is not enough, well i do not care what you think. I answered and wasted my time writing here just because you were somehow ok and not full blown trolling as most here do.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uwX
                • 23 Feb 2023

                Carol, 23 Feb 2023Glad that you had a good experience. The same for the future!A small piece of information. Android UPDATES are not difficult in any way than manufacturing (assembling) a mobile phone and making it work by employing the necessary software (OS). Also, there are plenty of formalities and licenses which has to be taken care of by the respective manufacturers which are more difficult than Android UPDATES. Though, Android UPDATES seems to be a huge task it is not so for the manufacturers. After Google's introduction of Project Treble these Android Updates have gone simpler than ever. What it requires is the will to give it properly. If you are interested, find out the differences between updating an Android 11 system to Android 12 and Android 12 system to Android 13. I retire from this discussion now. Take care. Bye.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uwX
                  • 23 Feb 2023

                  Carol, 23 Feb 2023Glad that you had a good experience. The same for the future!Since you speak about software (Android) development a lot and over emphasize that it is too hard for small manufacturers to do it unless they employ great professionals, can you please explain in layman's terms about the software developments needed to employ Android to a specific hardware and how Stock UI and Custom Ui plays its part during its implementation.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uwX
                    • 23 Feb 2023

                    Carol, 23 Feb 2023It is very self-explanatory, 1. they do not have enough d... moreYour words reads as,

                    "As, i said, hmd cannot be compared to giant companies, their developement is slow, and there is a reason why. Not enough developers (that are already very hard to find if you can't afford to pay them 150 € per Hour), they are as many as half of a department at Samsung."

                    Please clarify...

                    May I explain it the way it is....

                    1. HMD is not a giant company.
                    2. Their development is slow. (This means HMD's growth is slow). If you mean something else by saying things in your own way, it is not ethically acceptable.)
                    3.Their development is slow and THERE IS A REASON WHY. NOT ENOUGH DEVELOPERS.
                    4. Developers are hard to find if you can't afford to pay them €150 per hour. (which means that Nokia's development is slow because they don't have enough of developers and they can't afford to pay €150 per hour)
                    5. The reason why their development is slow than giant companies. (which means that HMD is a small company or in other words HMD isn't a giant company.

                    Readers can't make the necessary corrections as per your wish. Any sentence has its own meaning and it can't mean the way you want it to be as long as you are on Earth. If you haven't wrote the words as highlighted by me in CAPITALS then there is a chance to accept your explanation. Anyhow, please Google to find out how big or small HMD is. While communicating (in any language) there may be grammatical errors but, not context errors. Grammatical errors would be automatically corrected by the receivers of your messages, whereas context would always mean the way as it is expressed. Thanks for your explanation.

                      • C
                      • Carol
                      • mek
                      • 23 Feb 2023

                      Hoova , 23 Feb 2023I also had Nokia 7 Plus went from Android 8 to 9 then to 10... moreGlad that you had a good experience. The same for the future!

                        • C
                        • Carol
                        • mek
                        • 23 Feb 2023

                        Anonymous, 23 Feb 2023Your words reads as, "As, i said, hmd cannot be com... moreIt is very self-explanatory,
                        1. they do not have enough developers.
                        2. Developers are already hard to find, even harder if you can't afford to pay them a good premium per hour.
                        3. That is why their is a slower developement then in giant companies.
                        4. The whole hmd personal is probably half of one department in let's say, Samsung mobile devision.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 8st
                          • 23 Feb 2023

                          Nokia 7 was amazing and Nokia X30 is amazing so far too hope the update to Android 13 comes soon

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uwr
                            • 23 Feb 2023

                            Carol, 23 Feb 2023Even worst then before, there are a lot of nokias in my fam... moreYour words reads as,

                            "As, i said, hmd cannot be compared to giant companies, their developement is slow, and there is a reason why. Not enough developers (that are already very hard to find if you can't afford to pay them 150 € per Hour), they are as many as half of a department at Samsung."

                            Please clarify...

                              • H
                              • Hoova
                              • TiY
                              • 23 Feb 2023

                              Carol, 23 Feb 2023Even worst then before, there are a lot of nokias in my fam... moreI also had Nokia 7 Plus went from Android 8 to 9 then to 10 without a glitch. I can confirm the updates were will optimized, especially the 10 was so smooth. Same experience with Redmi note 10 pro going from Android 11 to 12 with a MIUI skin. Everything worked perfectly no problems whatsoever. Now got the Pixel 6a it has Android 13, and everything works seamlessly.

                                • C
                                • Carol
                                • 3td
                                • 23 Feb 2023

                                Anonymous, 22 Feb 2023Might be true that I am not as smart as you. By the way thi... moreEven worst then before, there are a lot of nokias in my family and i am at the 3rd with android installed, none ever got slower or needed to be thrown away because of android updates, the worst case scenario was a need of factory reset, which is acceptable if the devices goes from let's say android 10 to android 11 or 12. So you're not just talking not to shut up, you also believe what you say even tough you never owned a nokia (well at least not with android, that's for sure), the worst kind of trolling. Your information is all over the place and makes no sense, borderline to para. Please do yourself a favor and learn, not everything that flys can be eaten.
                                As for OS, also not true. Only because is android one, does not mean that there is nothing to be done, every released model by every company is close to unique, has it's unique problems and needs unique development, so nope, google is not the company that offer bug fixes or complete OS in Nokia phones, actually hmd uses android 12 core and develop on that, pretty much what every other company is doing. The difference is that hmd does not install all sorts of bloatware possible and a shady launcher, but work on optimising the system for their devices, drivers and bugs.
                                It is easy to criticize, i know, way easyer then actually learn it and understand it. Come back tough when you learn how programing and developement works, till then, your words are just there to fill up the empty space.
                                P.s i never said that hmd has no good developer, read 3 times before talking, maybe 10 times

                                  • C
                                  • Carol
                                  • 3td
                                  • 23 Feb 2023

                                  Anonymous, 22 Feb 2023Again you are doing the same thing. Your posts are full of ... moreAnd i'm ouz of my mind...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uwC
                                    • 22 Feb 2023

                                    swaraj, 22 Feb 2023Hmd IS a small organization they literally fired employees... moreEven Google has fired employees. Android updates are simpler now for manufacturers doesn't mean that they are cheap and it doesn't require programming. Everything costs money, the reason why HMD states again and again that this mobile would receive Android updates for three years to justify their asking price. But, I really don't know whether this 695 SOC would support Android 15 in future. Since you are smarter than me, I believe that you would time travel for the sake of our Society to find the answer.

                                    Motorola provides just one Android update to keep their newer mobiles alive and thrilling. Also, they know that it isn't worthier to update their mobiles, since its life span is not as long as Nokia as believed by HMD. I think Nokia mobiles will last forever. Most of the consumers will live with their mobiles in hand for not more than three years. For all these three years, one Android update is more than sufficient (if it is a good update). But, personally, I don't believe in updates. Even if I didn't receive Android updates, I can live with my mobile as long as the existing Android version supports my preferred apps in Play Store. The only thing I would miss is the gimmicks of newer Android versions.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • uwC
                                      • 22 Feb 2023

                                      swaraj, 22 Feb 2023That's probably a chinese company (not all) thing only... moreMight be true that I am not as smart as you. By the way this is not a Tech forum. This is a consumer's forum.

                                      I would like to point out the point made by you which reads as,

                                      "Although google made update process easier ... but its never as smooth as the os pre-installed. Because no company invest money to perfect a phone that has already been sold . And yes manufacturers still need programmers to test the os updates provided google. Its why chinese manufacturers dont update their phones . Because it cost them money and they just don't care about consumer after they have made their profit. ".

                                      Whom do you mean by these words, as it goes without saying that you didn't drag Chinese mobiles here, as you've admitted that they don't provide Android updates.

                                      Now, I thank you very much for your following statement,

                                      "I never heard a nokia phone being unusable after os update . Laggy, slow ,bugs ... yes . But not unusable . But my redmi note 6 pro died right after i updated to new miui version ."

                                      This is what I mean. I never said that their phone would become unusable at any point of time after Android update. But, I really meant the phone's performance issues after Android updates. Most of the consumers would change their mobiles when its performance drops. Some would do research with the same if their time permits.

                                      Hence your words prove that Android updates deteriorates performance of mobiles in general except Google's Pixel. Google's Pixel is an exception because, it is the symbol of pride of Google. Hence it is worthier to choose Pixel phones over Nokia. I truly believe that you'll not drag Apple Inc. here. At least spare God for God's sake.

                                        • s
                                        • swaraj
                                        • Hkt
                                        • 22 Feb 2023

                                        Anonymous, 22 Feb 2023Again you are doing the same thing. Your posts are full of ... moreHmd IS a small organization they literally fired employees 2 years ago to stay alive . If updating stock android was easier why moto gives only one update ? Its not about updating ... its easy . But estimating how the os going to hold against upcoming new things is the matter of concern .