O2 X3
- c
- chasey
- 18 Nov 2004
thats ok Stephen :).and wot is that chasey ~ TN, assassin ?
- S
- Stephen
- 18 Nov 2004
Sorry Chasey mate :-)
I had just got up and read Assassins post below (which ended chasey ~ TN)
So in my tired state guessed you were him!!
Oops PMSL ;)
- c
- chasey
- 18 Nov 2004
Stephen,assassin is not me, i am better looking than him :)
- S
- Stephen
- 18 Nov 2004
Needhelp - not encountered your problem as such, but while ago I had same thing with received MMS Think the phones memory was full as when I deleted some it came through fine - (Maybe your phone memory or the memory card is full)??
Other than that no idea!
- S
- Stephen
- 18 Nov 2004
Assassin - just realised your Chasey from the other forum (lol)
Did you really just bin them or you still got them? - aswell as the E600 (if you have still got them i would ebay them!!)
PMSL - Damn ill have to buy one off ebuyer then, mind you the kingmax 256mb is only £21 at the Mo and theres loads of decent reviews!
- D
- Daren
- 18 Nov 2004
i do think this is a good phone had it a couple of days now and only had 1 minor glitch of it freezing but then all phones do that at 1 time or another, had my Samsung replaced as well, 02 made a huge cock up and sent me a replacement D410, so i have 2 phones now not sure which i should keep
- K
- Kay
- 18 Nov 2004
Here I was quite happily thinking about phoning O2 tomorrow to upgrade my existing contract phone to the X3 when I stumbled across this website, now I'm frightened to death of changing my Nokia for something which sounds so unreliable. Does anyone have a good word for this phone? I'm not too bothered about the camera being great (but I would like it to work.I mainly text and phone people, not bothered about music,games etc Is it any good for those functions??
- c
- cheesy
- 18 Nov 2004
Hi, I just bought a X3 today and have been reading on this message board this evening. I got the phone from The Link and it turns out that it has the old firmware:
S/W E05-1.08.01
Date: Aug 09 04
Version 101B2108
As you guys have pointed out, there are a few phones out there with new firmware(s), and I worked with someone from O2 before so I decided to give him a call. He said he'll get back to me tomorrow with any info. I'll post a message once I've got more info.
- a
- assassin
- 17 Nov 2004
stephen ~ i know what you are saying re : BENQ i also have a BENQ tft and it is top notch. i chose the SAMSUNG because my cell phone is a crucial part of my work, i needed something i could trust ... and i only like clamshell design cells. true the E600 may not have as many gizmos as the x3 but at the end of the day, they are only gizmos. oh and i was only kidding when i mentioned the mini sd was for sale. i use it for my HP pda.
chasey ~ TN
- n
- needhelp
- 17 Nov 2004
Guys everytime i try to use the camera a yellow and red cross appears after i have taken a pic and it wont let me save it. Anybody help?
- D
- Daren
- 17 Nov 2004
Kahlid- i got mine direct from 02 upgrade dept, it seems to be working fine, will keep my eye on the MMS thing tho
- A
- Aleha
- 17 Nov 2004
Mine has saved about 400 so far so its probly untill the phone memory gets full
- S
- Snookered
- 17 Nov 2004
I have bought the SD card adapter and already have the reader on my pc, but when i try to access the files there is nothing there. I put the card back in my phone and the files are back. Any suggestions on how to get my pics and video on my pc, and why it is not showing any files on my sd card when inserted in my pc?
- M
- Marv
- 17 Nov 2004
How many text messages can it store?
Mine should be being dispatched tomorrow
- K
- Khalid
- 17 Nov 2004
Shaun or Stephen could you email me the address at kevin.bryce@markssattin.co.uk
Dont you find it funny how the staff in O2 shops react when you explain the problem. They never believe me when I say I've had all these phones and everytime MMS stops working. The idiots try and be the smart azz and fix the problem thinking I must be dumb and end up wasting their time. lol!!!
- S
- Stephen
- 17 Nov 2004
btw I wouldnt post the email addy in the open forum, as its too easy to get picked up by a spam bot, and others may email non relavent queries to him etc, and ruin a good contact!
Shaun sent it be email to me directly
- S
- Stephen
- 17 Nov 2004
Khalid - ive just got my fourth since posting a few hrs ago, ma phone realy screwed up lol, it even reset itself, pin nos, received mms said null when you went into them, then cam, wouldnt turn on, wap browser just stayed on load up screen and said waiting etc! - im sure its a gremlin in the phone, whenever I post, it screws up lol.
Well at least I can send mms for a few days anyway (hopefully this guy will sort me a new one out with the latest software version in a few days time!)
- K
- Khalid
- 17 Nov 2004
Just turned on new X3. Within 30 secs the screen started flashing white, then went completly white. Not a good start!!!
- N
- Nick
- 17 Nov 2004
Hi there.! just got my x3 and I must say (i've only had it about 5 mins !!) its a brilliant phone! (on first impressions anyhow)
any questions, email me!
- K
- Khalid
- 17 Nov 2004
Shaun could you post that guys email address please.
Does texting 80202 actually do anything then?