Sony Xperia 5 II review

28 September 2020

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Shui8, 28 Sep 2020Seriously? 😂😂😂Oh great! How does it feel to use 120Hz on a mid range level processor with sub-par battery life, huh? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Nick Tagataka, 28 Sep 2020What do you even mean by that?? Galaxy Note 20 Ultra runs 1... moreYou sure it's perfect?
    I mean, I guess green tint and overheating are no problems at all, so I guess you're right that it's perfect. Lol.

    87h endurance rating for 120Hz despite the 5000mAh battery? Sounds good.

    Higher brightness? Also higher risk of burn in. No wonder why Samsung phones are notorious for such issue.
    OLEDs at 500 nits are already bright outdoors. Not like the display is invisible if it doesn't go 600 nits or something.
    Sony understands them and therefore doing extra steps to further prolong the phone's lifespan, unlike others that are intentionally making self-destructing products *cough Note 7*

      Shanti Dope, 28 Sep 2020Yeah, and with an ugly green tint with high risk of burn in... more:D funny :D
      Those "defenses" keep getting more and more ridiculous by the minute.
      I wonder why so my blind fans are using "good enough" so often ... can it be it's not so good or not enough?
      + hear yee hear yee only Samsung does 120Hz and not anyone else ... when it suits you "case" ofc.

        Fearghast, 28 Sep 2020All Samsung is doing is 1080p@120 :D not to mention on a br... moreYeah, and with an ugly green tint with high risk of burn in, as you should add.

        OLED with 500 nits is plenty visible enough outdoors.
        That much brightness and you get 20h less endurance, lol.

          • j
          • jarry
          • dZd
          • 28 Sep 2020

          Nothing New, 28 Sep 2020-best design in 2020 so far -great battery life -top not... moretop notch camera? This phrase is not to be found in this review sir.
          They actually dont talk about camera sharpness or resolution in this review. Read it.
          Only writing about natural this.. and versatile that...


            Anonymous, 28 Sep 2020Nice phone. Good job Sony. The only problem is it doesn&#... moreIt looks a lot more modern than those punch-holes and notched displays.. And there is space for speakers, camera, sensors and notification led. I Wish the punch-hole was never put into the phone displays, the stupidest thing that happened to mobiles lately..

              • M
              • Mordaur
              • dZd
              • 28 Sep 2020

              QUOTE (from camera Quality section): "We generally enjoy the more restrained processing in terms of sharpening that leaves random detail natural looking. Noise suppression isn't as strong as on Samsungs, though noise is still controlled excellently." That was it, hardly anything else.

              The reader is left in the dark here about the actual image quality.

              Other phone reviews get a full alinea about image resolution, sharpness of lens, etc.etc.? But @ xperia 5 II we have: "random detail looking natural"? Say what? Seriously? Hello we have just come out of Sony's bad-camera-dark ages? Can you elaborate more on photo quality here?

              It continues in the verdict:
              "very capable camera system" and "Versatile camera system for stills and video, in good and low light alike." Again this is saying litle about basic camera QUALITY! Hello?

              GSMarena team is beating around the bush here.

                • k
                • kretenallat
                • dNn
                • 28 Sep 2020

                geek-a-contra, 28 Sep 2020when it comes to personal preferences the only real definit... moreYeah, that was the key for me. I dont need oversaturated 10x postprocessed photos that look nothing like the original. Already ordered mine...

                  I wonder how am I gonna use my tripod since the whole side of the device are buttons everywhere ....

                    Shui8, 28 Sep 2020Precisely. Guess what? Next Xperia 1iii will have brighter ... moreExactly. When I saw the news that Xperia 5 II will feature FHD 120Hz panel a few weeks ago, I thought finally it would be the time for Sony to start using the latest gen. Samsung panel with 700-800 nits of brightness that ASUS, Xiaomi and Oppo have been also putting on their recent high end offerings. It turns out that they actually LOWERED the brightness even further from already not-so-bright Xperia 1 II, and now it's rumoured that they will ramp up the display brightness in next year's flagship.. Ha-ha.

                    It's still a great phone, don't get me wrong, but this will undeniably turn off many of its potential buyers. The target demographic of this phone would care a lot about having the brightest display possible, for sure.

                      • l
                      • lpl
                      • mYV
                      • 28 Sep 2020

                      Why is Google always being bashed here whenever it's mentioned? Subjective much, gsmarena?!

                        • a
                        • atb
                        • spQ
                        • 28 Sep 2020

                        The Xperia 5ii delievers an overall excellent package this could be a winner for sony if they price this right

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • LkB
                          • 28 Sep 2020

                          Gsmarena wants 4K from 8MP camera?
                          LOL .......

                            • S
                            • Shahriar Parvez
                            • 4HX
                            • 28 Sep 2020

                            First off, nice thorough review as always; I was looking forward to it. However, I'm not sure the "monetary burden", especially compared to S20, is globally existent. Currently in the US, I see the S20 (unlocked/carrier, no trade in) listed for $999.99 from at least 3 major retailers. $950 is undoubtedly a large amount, regardless of the value of pre-order goodies. But calling it a "Sony premium" and thereby "hard to recommend" (following so much praise in the same article) when the S20 review ended on a much more positive note, seems hardly justifiable. But hey, I'm no expert reviewer...

                              when it comes to personal preferences the only real definitory element that differentiate the usefulness of the smartphones is / are the cameras and the related software. and this being stated , when it comes to x 5 II everything boils down to this statement from the review: "more 'photographic' and less 'instagrammy' shots".

                              next step: immediately, when pre-ordering becomes available in my area, guess what... :)

                                Fearghast, 28 Sep 2020Real gamers don't play on a mobile phones - especialy ... moreAlthough you are right, mobile gaming is not great it is a huge seller in places like India where the mobile phone is the only access to gaming most have.... which is ironic as due to heavy importation taxes etc Sony no longer can compete in India so don't

                                  wongwatt, 28 Sep 2020Dull display and no wireless charging makes this a very exp... moreIt all depends on what you already have... that is the problem with having the same headphones 2 years in a row with the XZ1, 2 and 3... it would not make anyone upgrade but might appeal to those who never bought in to the range... Sony has the problem though that the price of the handset never comes down yet no one "just missing" the launch offers want to pay full price and no one 6 months into the life span want to pay full price...

                                    lavialegon, 28 Sep 2020the lack of 4k60 in the native app is not a con because eve... moreWould you be a dear and share a source of that "information"?
                                    Of course it's non-issue but what you just wrote is a clear b$. Try to use real arguments next time.

                            , 28 Sep 2020Only gamers can understand ;)Real gamers don't play on a mobile phones - especialy not auto aim simulators with lootboxes baked in the core.
                                      That's what you get when you have a great hardware, yet 99,9% games are pathetic PC ports or pay to win lootbox tosh.

                                        • S
                                        • Shui8
                                        • KZK
                                        • 28 Sep 2020

                                        Nick Tagataka, 28 Sep 2020It's honestly surprising that Sony is sticking to such... morePrecisely. Guess what? Next Xperia 1iii will have brighter display 😂😂😂. I understand if 1ii a bit dimmer due to 4k+battery size, but that excuse cannot be used in smaller 5ii.