Nokia Lumia 1020 hands-on: First look
- S
- Szaza
- HKx
- 12 Jul 2013
raky, 12 Jul 2013nice, too bad that it's not a watherproof like sony xperia zXperia is not waterproof... It is water resistant, that is a diferent thing :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Liw
- 12 Jul 2013
Why still Snapdragon S4, old version ? Qualcomm outed updated models of dual core kraits.
- s
- song long
- vNa
- 12 Jul 2013
If Lumia 1020 is equipment by Snapdragon 600 that it's wonderful
- O
- ObserverPh
- v0q
- 12 Jul 2013
To think that the previous leaks shows a aluminum body.. may there will be another version.. like what they did in L920,928 and 925..
- D
- AnonD-152638
- mhB
- 12 Jul 2013
In the Q & A, Elop actually slipped up and mentioned there will be another big launch this year.
I guess it will be the top dog for mass-market devices, for all except camera.
Probabably 1080p, close to 5", quad core, and those things you could expect. (ok, the raw power might not match the latest android, but actual performance will probably).
It will come with WP8.1 (that supports the hardware).
But that makes 1020 kind of an odd dog.
It feels like Nokia is trying to do for imaging what Samsung dig for note-taking. But if so, they missed the part where Note-series are more powerfull than S2/3/4. It's understandble, the current CPU is not bad with WP8, but the hardware is still 1 year old, probably to get costs down so the price wont be too high when the camera module is added. But that fails to adress those users who got the note-series not for note-taking but for the fact it was more powerfull than the current S-model (on the other hand, now samsung is killing that base for their own customers, by releasing a spiced up S4 with same processing power as the upcoming note, and the Note is becoming a bit too big).
The release-cycle has another disadvantage (I suspect we will be seeing a new high end pureview each year).
Pretty much every camera takes better picture when there is lots of light... like during the summer. Most of the world will get this in the darkest time of year, so users wont fill their first months with picture during the best possible conditions.
(I suspect they are already working on what to implement in the next vesion for next years release, varible aperture, thinner display, one of those new xeon flashes, to make it even more slimmed down)
- n
- nabindra
- 12 Jul 2013
Pureview 808 is way sexy phone than lumia 1020 .I wish I had some other os in it .
- ?
- Anonymous
- PV{
- 12 Jul 2013
Look like Nokia just RE-INVENTED another failure phone.
What a waste of time...
- ?
- Anonymous
- xZs
- 12 Jul 2013
its actually pretty poor compared to 808, it have terrible jpeg compression and color issues.
windows phone is not as good as symbian or android for taking pictures but at least its an improvement over tradional camera phones
too bad it doenst have android, it would have better cpu and 1080p screen/ and of course many apps and games to take advance of it
- ?
- Anonymous
- xZs
- 12 Jul 2013
its downgrade from 808,
windows phone is huge mistake
thiese should be android
- D
- AnonD-47883
- fvK
- 12 Jul 2013
in my opinion it would be perfect if it had android
- f
- fruitcake
- 3pc
- 12 Jul 2013
Nokia have to stop thinking that there cameras on there phones will definetly attract people to buy a Windows phone,if the restrictions on Windows were not so bad then it might have been good idea by Nokia,but now Samsung,Sony and others Android phone produces will be releasing an 16 or 20 mega-pixel camera phones to keep people away from this phone,Why?no micro sd card slot just shows that Nokia have totally lost there plot with there Window phones designs,if this was on Android then it would be more succesful
- r
- raky
- 0x7
- 12 Jul 2013
nice, too bad that it's not a watherproof like sony xperia z
- D
- AnonD-152638
- mhB
- 11 Jul 2013
Quantom, 11 Jul 2013The placement of the stereo mics doesn't make much sense to... moreIt says in the article one is on the bottom and one on the top, so that makes perfect sense for landscape.
If you are thinking of the pinholes on the top, one of them is the sim-eject pinhole. You can see the cut out around the pinhole, it fades out with sharp viewing angles on my screen, so just tilt your device or correct your position in front of your screen, and you will se.
The mic on the bottom is probably hidden beneath the grille.
- D
- AnonD-152638
- mhB
- 11 Jul 2013
X, 11 Jul 2013You have no idea what are you talking about. The bookeh is ... moreactually, if you think that the f number is the deciding factor, you actually dont know what you are talking about.
The f value, is only relevant in relation to the sensor size.
If you have a lens that works both on a APSc and full frame camera, you will get much more bokeh on the full frame. The f number stays the same.
There are small sensor cameras with f1.4 with almost no bokeh.
- D
- AnonD-84041
- 4Tx
- 11 Jul 2013
X, 11 Jul 2013It's a mobile nobody wants. Ppl might like the camera but t... moreYou're not making any sense! You would buy a camera( if this is a camera, and with no phone function for 300bucks). But, you wouldn't just buy the whole package? A phone, a awesome camera, and a great OS. How is this making any sense? I sure will buy this phone, if the price is not above 700bucks.
- M
- Mobilej
- kaK
- 11 Jul 2013
Will be upgrading my N8 to this,was thinking to go 808 but since this is gonna be out why not. Plus I'll be checking out the W8 OS for the first time hope it doesn't disappoint.
- D
- AnonD-114682
- LbH
- 11 Jul 2013
What's with these weird colors? What is Nokia thinking? I just do not understand.
- j
- jake
- IWc
- 11 Jul 2013
They downgrade the gpu making slow motion video is not possible anymore .