Sony Ericsson K790

Sony Ericsson K790

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Ronaldinho
  • mIn
  • 31 Jul 2006

This phone is great :)

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Yap
    • 31 Jul 2006

    in the mobile review comparison between the k800 and N93 camera the white balance was off with the k800, that is why the N93 pictures look better. also i think that the N93 optics and focus is superior but not by much. but who the hell wants to pay twice as much for the N93 then the K800 or K790? especialy when the picture quality is so close, N93 does have the video! but the N93 is so big that you could get a very good canon SD600 camera and a small phone that would take up just as much pocket space as a N93.

      • T
      • Tarantula
      • P9n
      • 30 Jul 2006

      ive seen a lot of pics of comparisson between n90 and k750, in m-r and here. in all k750 wins.

      I play with N80 and its slow and poor in life. Pretty screen but it isnt usefull without energy.

      And the history repeat again with K800/N93 (i talk about photographic part, not about video).

      In addition, a cell phone always take into account the size, ergonomics and weight. Its annoying carry with a heavy brick, and the worst thing is that charge this brick every day. 170 grams is a bad weight for a portable phone.

        • S
        • SeF
        • whB
        • 30 Jul 2006

        here are the Main limitations of N93,

        1.Dictaphone(1 min only)

        2.Java technology(it has k750 jsrs only while later SEs have the most JSRs that functions similarly with Symbian OS)

        3.Image processing(n93 uses processor not image processor like DIGIC II or Sony image processor etc.)

        4.Carl-Zeiss lens with no bundled Features such as Xenon Flash, Image Stabilizer, High ISO sensitivity, anti-Blurring feature and Many DIGICAM features which K800 has.

        5.Battery life not comparable with UIQ 3 of SE, not even comparable with any mobile phones of SAMSUNG,SE,S40 Nokia, and so on...

        yeah you can put any stuffs in your N93, you can play faster in N93, you can do all things in N93, but always remember that all these functions require processing of the 300+MHz processor of N93 and it drains the battery life so much rather than doing similar simple task(3D gaming,Playing Music, Videocalling, Imaging, Image-Viewing) which conzumes lesser coz it has no PDA like processors,.. try using K800 and N93/73 and do the task they can only both do, and you'll know who's phone will lost Electrical energy first... just as i expect, Symbian will be the first..

          • S
          • SeF
          • whB
          • 30 Jul 2006

          To Hayena,..

          please remember that the firmware wasn't finalized yet in mobile-review's N93 vs K800,.. so don't be fooled by the early opinions of prototyped phone in

          Remembering that N90 beats K750 macro in that site(mobile-review) before by which both phones are in prototype(beta FW). then when released in final FW, k750 kicks N90 in the water in camera test in Gsmarena... that's what is proved in camera test with beta and final firmwares.. hmm,.

            • S
            • SeF
            • whB
            • 30 Jul 2006

            K800 beats N93 in imaging performance N93 Won Video...

            basing on the first two pics there,.. camera features(cybershot) from k800 brought it up against Carl-Zeiss N93.. looking at the pictures of the 2 compeitors, K800 is sharp and smooth, while n93 is too noisy, smoothness/Sharpness of k800 is caused "maybe" of the image stabilizer function, which helps reduce blurring, and sharpens image instantly...

            Hayena, please admit the real Fact hat most Symbians are complicated to use, Ihave tested and used Symbian 6.0,7.0 and 8.0a for months and it speaks abt the same problem, performance(mostly when filled with apps, it slows down, noticeable when booting)

            you can't blame me because that's what i have seen, and don't even call me SE Fan or Symbian Hater or etc.. i have experiences using Symbian Phones from SE ad Nokia and i really, really hate it's S60's performance in comparison to UIQ and an Ordinary phone like K800...

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4dP
              • 30 Jul 2006

              you couldnt have been talking about the N80 because no one compares the N80 with the K750. And in your last post you also mentioned the carl zeiss lens, so you had to be talking about the N90. Stop making excuses for stuff that you dont even really know about. You just got your facts all mixed up, and you wouldnt kno that all the nokia smartphones suffers the same problems unless you have used them all yourself. stop stating your opinions as facts

                • T
                • Tarantula
                • P9n
                • 30 Jul 2006

                mistake, i talk about N80. i havent N80 but my friend has it and i play with it sometimes. basically N80 and N90 are the same thing and all smartphones of nokia suffers the same problems, the exception is 3250.

                And the GSMarena preview of N93 shows some pics with K800, for me the last one is the winner... i wait the direct comparisson between K800 and N73, these phones are direct competitors

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4XZ
                  • 30 Jul 2006

                  Well it's true the N93's cam is a lot better in that review, but just look at the price difference. Who's gonna buy a cell for $1000+? Somebody with too much money on their hands.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4pN
                    • 30 Jul 2006

                    To Tarantula,

                    Dont say that you dont say wrong things when you dont even have the specs for the N90 correct. The N90 doesnt have wlan, so i wonder if you even own a N90. If you dont even have one, who are you to say that the N90 is slow and whatever.

                      • C
                      • Chris
                      • Y7T
                      • 30 Jul 2006

                      I'm considering buying this phone to basically replace getting a new digital camera (mainly for convenience's sake). Has anyone else done this or have any thoughts regarding doing it?

                        • T
                        • Tarantula
                        • P9n
                        • 29 Jul 2006

                        First of all:
                        I talk about comparisson between N73 and K800, not between N93 and K800, because N73 and K800 are direct competitors.
                        N93 is in other market segment with VGA recording at 30fps and really higher price.

                        N90 is a smartphone while K750 is only a phone. Both phones are oriented to a photographic field, this is the reason to put into N90 carl zeiss lenses. On the whole N90 has more features than K750 like 3g, WLAN, open OS and better screen but you must charge the phone every day and you cant play with wlan more than a half and hour. And this brick dont have vibracall, is very slow and in general is very annoying. K750 is only a GSM phone aimed to a photographic segment and is the best in this segment with fast and easy menus, great battery life, good screen and java with other features.

                        I dont say wrong things, i only tell the truth when i talk about N90 and K750, this is the reason that K750 is the king in 2mp kingdom.

                        And i repeat to you: i dont view any comparisson between N73 and K800, I dont say wich is better. Only i can say that S60 smartphones are mediocre stuff with poor battery life, laggy and buggy OS. If i want smartphone i go with UiQ without any doubt.

                        i wait for a review of N73 and comparisson side by side with K800 and i will make my conclussion.

                        And about 3D acceleration in N93, SE develop JP-7 for high performance in JAVA 3D enviroments, this tech allows the phone run games and java programs at 30fps in QVGA mode WITHOUT hardware acceleration, the JP allows to programmers access to camera setting and more hardware parts in the phones putting the JP-7 in a OS level.
                        Apart of this, SE already use NVidia chipsets in W900 and in the upcoming P990, the GoForce.


                          • H
                          • Hayena
                          • RK3
                          • 29 Jul 2006

                          cam review of N93 vs. K800/790..ENJOY!!!;-)

                            • H
                            • Hayena
                            • RK3
                            • 29 Jul 2006

                            read the phone(N93/73) specs first.. before saying wrong details & infos. And about the N90 vs. K750 thing, all i can say that is true, the latter won in terms of still camera ONLY. but overall N90 is better.. And Nokia's N93's camera and imaging capability has been witnessed already by people, and this time nokia nailed it! just read the review! haha! peace tarantula;-)

                              • T
                              • Tarantula
                              • P9n
                              • 29 Jul 2006

                              I dont view any comparisson between K800 and N73, how you can say wich is better???

                              You know that carl zeiss lenses isnt a sign of better camera, look N90 vs K750, the last one are better in most cases.
                              And xenon flash, you can take pics in the night, not like led flash, only 30 centimeters and no more. Flash is really usefull in normal cameras as you know, why not in a camera phone?? its welcome with joy!!
                              Quad band and edge, for it SE make two models K800 and K790, if you have UMTS, edge is useless.

                              N93 is a really bulky phone, the optical system isnt like samsung optical zoom, in a classic candybar phone with good size. Or maybe they use double lens like lattest kodak tiny cameras with 16x optical zoom without rotating parts.
                              And for sure, and this go to all nokia smartphones, for sure the battery life is really pooooooooooooor like N80 in both models N73/93, big dissapoint for a phone and i do not mention the annoying bugs and slow operation (S60 main feature)

                              This is the problem with nokia, make a lot of smartphones with unfinalized software, they dont improve battery performance.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Pv9
                                • 29 Jul 2006

                                its you are to blame the n93 size, the phone have a new hardware. that support 3D acceleration, with OUTSTADING GRAPHICS, and it have optical zooming lenses, do you know who they work??? they take alll the camera space (the tube). and still the n73 its almost the same size ofthe k800/k790 it have more features quadband EDGE 3g and smartphone in the single package and its even thinner!. with better design (n73)..yes yes i know you are going to brag about the xenon flash but hey the n73 have a flash not as powerful but still useful! if not the k750 have the LED FLash too why don't you complained there? the n73/n93 proved to be better in quality!

                                  • H
                                  • Hayena
                                  • RK3
                                  • 29 Jul 2006

                                  some SE fans are bashing N93,u can't compare N93 to K790/800 coz obviously N93 is waaay Better than these 2 SE phones.. The K-series can only offer a "cybershot" camera, and that's it! aside from that feature nothing's really interesting even the design is very disapointing. Some SE fans are so envy coz N93 & N73 are ultimate phones and has everything in it.. Peace! ;-)

                                    • D
                                    • Drsilverworm
                                    • Yhd
                                    • 28 Jul 2006

                                    additionally, if you still are considering an n93, take a look at the opinions on that phones page. Problems, problems, problems. Price, Bugs, Crashes, UI, Size, Design, almost everyone has something bad to say.

                                    Even the user known as "N93", who has stalked this website for weeks posting how amazing the phone is, is dissapointed, he says so himself.

                                      • D
                                      • Drsilverworm
                                      • Yhd
                                      • 28 Jul 2006

                                      I am a phone enthusiast living in the United States, my carrier is T-Mobile. I waited all year for this exact model to come out, and finally it has... And it is definetly worth the wait, this is the most amazing phone I have ever owned in my life.

                                      For those of you out there saying the N93 is better, you have absolutley no clue what you are talking about.

                                      I used to consider that, but now that I own the k790i, I laugh at the though of having chosen an N93.

                                      First of all, the N93 is TWICE as expensive as a K800 or K790. So it shouldn't even be considered on the same level. However, it's HALF the quality of the k790.

                                      The thing is enourmous, as you know. It weighs 185 freaking grams. Opened, it's taller than your freaking head. The battery life sucks, the symbian UI STILL sucks, the flash sucks..

                                      And yes, the flash I thought wasn't a huge deal until I tried it out. If you take a picture with this phone in a PITCH BLACK ROOM, the flash will automatically sense that it is needed and illuminate the room so brightly, that in the photo it honestly looks like all the lights are on. The flash is second to none, just simply amazing.

                                      The photoblogging ability is celebrated nearly as much as it should be. Even before this phone came out, I used to blog all my photos, but now I don't even need a computer to blog, I can publish from my phone, straight to the blog, with comments, titles, everything. It's amazing.

                                      The graphics for games is just as good as they are in N93, the minigolf game included with my phone is in full-3-D, and it looks in my opinion FAR BETTER than N-Gage quality. And it is made to be played with the phone to the side, which feels and looks great, the A and B buttons on top of the screen are used for gaming as well.

                                      This impresses me more and more. I can't imagine having bought the N93, lol

                                        • b
                                        • blq
                                        • mMG
                                        • 28 Jul 2006

                                        Yagami, do not forget, that n93 is quite bigger, quite weightier, and last but not least - much more costs!

                                        do not compare such phones. n93 is like a graphic station. k790 - like notebook.