Sony Ericsson Xperia X1

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1

User opinions and reviews

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  • J0k3r!
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  • 06 Dec 2008

Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970If you want a camera phone get the c905, is an awesome camera phone. Probably the best on the market at the moment (I could be biased as i have one) But I have an xperia as a work phone and it is the best smart phone i have used. Very happy with it....

In fact i am happy with both phones :)

    • n
    • namez bond
    • jn}
    • 06 Dec 2008

    man im seriously waitin for a review be i get ths phn next week..i don wanna get around smthin faulty bout ths phn once i get it..tht wud suck! sm1 plz help..i know all bout the hardware features..but ma concern is bout the technical issues, like the firmwire, the apps, n other related there anythin faulty tht i shud know bout? SM1 PLZ HELP ME OUT HERE! thnx

      • b
      • brynn
      • nGd
      • 06 Dec 2008

      got one, 06 Dec 2008What is the max size of micro sd card can be used in the X1... moreI am using 16gb card but read this first,,,,

      I used 8gb before this 16gb and it was good in n82 and good in xperia,,,but its class 6 card by sandisk

      I have used my 16gb in n82 with a lot of crashes whilst using mp3 player with 2500+ songs and 40 wallpapers ,10 5mp photos of family and numerous vids from 110mb down to 2mb,,some mp3 128kbps some wma 196kbps and the same crashes are happening in xperia BUT the 16gb is only class 2 sandisk and take ages to load up.

      Both the n82 and xperia are supported to 32gb when it arrives but if its class 2 i am not bothering..The difference between loading up 8gb of card at class 6 and 16gb card at class 2 with the above data is from slow to absolutly painfully slow,,so yes the xperia hold 16gb but i think the card needs to be class6 but i cannot find one,,

      I struggled at the begginig with 16gb and partly blamed xperia but its fine with 8gb so it cannot be xperia but the card,,i cannot reccomend it but thats my experiance and have formatted the 16gb card 4 times since past fortnight to check again in n82 and xperia and get bad crashes where its battery out and almost back to having to re-format card..One last point is i could have a bad card but its ok on laptop if

        • x
        • xperia_user
        • jLB
        • 06 Dec 2008

        Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970What? You have a hard time to choose in between. . . .dont you knw.. Both c905 & X1 is far different to each other... So, its depend on what you need, @got one: im using 4gig microSDHC card.. It also support 8gig microSDHC, but dont knw if the 16gig version... I will try to use 16gig card if is now available..

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • jn}
          • 06 Dec 2008

          Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970im gettin ths phn next week maself..buh still u might wanna ask sm1 who owns it u know..they can tell u bout the pros n cons bout it betta thn any1 else..juz make sure their opinions r independent (not sm other brand fanatic)..peace!

            • g
            • got one
            • pUT
            • 06 Dec 2008

            What is the max size of micro sd card can be used in the X1???
            The specs are not clear, will it support the SDHC cards?
            want to use the 16gb card if possible.
            Anyone help?

              • f
              • fred
              • FEu
              • 06 Dec 2008

              I have used the n95, n96 , htc touch pro , blackberry storm, xperia x1 and the best phone is the xperia x1

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • jn}
                • 05 Dec 2008

                Anonymous, 04 Dec 2008oh no, SE most fear phone is the NOKIA N97, it's ok we unde... morehow the hell is Xperias biggest fear N97?!? coz N97 is not evn out the time it comes out X2 wud prolly come out..n other brands like htc, samsung wud prolly make evn betta phns thn N97, who knowz? so stop comparing 2 things, wen 1 of'em is not evn out there..

                  • s
                  • staredecisis
                  • PSP
                  • 05 Dec 2008

                  sony e always change their product with different housing,but it contain still same..but XPERIA is truly change it housing n 2 month HIKARU born with different style..i hope sony E can produce many design to their phone

                    • P
                    • Proud to be Bosniak
                    • Ttv
                    • 05 Dec 2008

                    Have this phone for few days now. I will post my opinion about it, and I will be very short and clear. Having been in the world of PPC for several years, and been an owner of lots of WM devices, I can only say that SE X1 is the ultimate device for everyone. There are also a lots of PPCs with similar capabilities, but the structure of the hardware and the built itself for this phone is high above all of them. It is expensive...that is true...but believe me when I say that we will wait for some time before we see the device that is better than X1. IMHO this device will keep the trone for some years.

                      • R
                      • Rayo
                      • ni1
                      • 05 Dec 2008

                      its good,but if i want Full QWERTY keyboard , i go and bye HTC Touch pro,i think its near to X1 and have a tv out,beter size,Accelerometer sensor ,and beter price!!what s ur idea?

                        • b
                        • brynn
                        • nGd
                        • 05 Dec 2008

                        I tried the update last night even tho their isnt one yet and its different to other s/e fones..You have to press the volume button down and hold whilst pressing and holding power on/off button until a striped colour display appears..IT said no updates available but then i was left with how to get rid of all the stripes on my screen,,so restarted it and all was back to normal..

                        Its been really windy today and had a bag in my hand and whilst typing using stylue it was difficult as bag kept swaying,,so opened up keypad and was brilliant..So i am glad i have not gone full touchscreen and still not convinced pure touchscreens can replace buttons IMO..

                        Seriously loving the fone now its one of the best ive ever had and can only get better as i explore .. If their are newer operating systems on way which work simpler but are still as powerfull smartfones will probably be the norm in future..

                          • h
                          • hafiz
                          • mxa
                          • 05 Dec 2008

                          people,wndows mobile is basic OS..but u can beautify it with lots of softwares!!!!!!!!!
                          if u wanna equalizer on ur phone do get pocketmusic or any stuff like that.
                          if u wanna phone who has everything go for nokia
                          after all windows is for business

                            • x
                            • xperia_user
                            • jLB
                            • 05 Dec 2008

                            bynn, 05 Dec 2008I too hope they upgrade their own s/e media player with equ... moreto be truth, ive been using the x1 just a couple of days. The audio performance of the x1 cant replace my W910i, since there is no Equalizer, and other essencial thing to improve the sound.. I always carry both fone wherever i go, cuz i love listenin to music, the SE MUSIC Interface on the X1 is similar to the Walkman series but its totally different in sound quality...

                              • b
                              • bynn
                              • nGd
                              • 05 Dec 2008

                              Xperia_user, 05 Dec 2008Thanks for your response... @All, please stop your nonsense... moreI too hope they upgrade their own s/e media player with equaliser and more function in next update,,i find sing all these other players a chore to be truthfull..Still cannot find out how to make a playlist in IBE PLAYER but have got TCPMP working at last from a link on this forum..I am making a playlist on s/e media player and importing it into TCPMP for now..Altho the TCPMP is good itv still cannot play some files and i miss all the surround sound modes of the IBE player..ITs a good smarfone but you have to be a bit patient with it but so do you have to wait whilst using your comp..Thanx Reverent for the response sometimes were not always correct but try our best to help.

                                • A
                                • Abhi
                                • 2Z6
                                • 05 Dec 2008

                                It is priced at INR Rs 44,500 which is little higher

                                  • v
                                  • vivek
                                  • 2Wb
                                  • 05 Dec 2008

                                  shereen, 05 Dec 2008waaaaaw but how a bout xi with 5 migpixles camera i want x... morehow did u like the phone, did u try it? plz reply at

                                    • s
                                    • shereen
                                    • 04W
                                    • 05 Dec 2008

                                    waaaaaw but how a bout xi with 5 migpixles camera
                                    i want xi with 5 mp cam

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 0f{
                                      • 05 Dec 2008

                                      Looks all well and good, but I really can't stand Windows Mobile. Not that Symbian is a whole lot better; it's become so bloated and bogged down over the years. I've not had a chance to mess with Android, but what I've seen makes it look like it still has a long way to go. Sigh... I guess what I'm saying is, I like the phone, I just wish we could work on developing a new/better flavor of OS instead of cramming more f'ing pixels into the camera.

                                        • C
                                        • Ciprian
                                        • m46
                                        • 05 Dec 2008

                                        Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Tough question, but if you ask me, Sony Ericsson X1.